Forum:The Sims 2 vs 3

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I'm sorry if this topic been discussed already, please link me in that case.

So lately I've been getting into The Sims again, but I'm not sure if I should play The Sims 2 or The Sims 3 series (I love the first series as well, but the graphic and lack of features in playstyle makes it get boring quite fast).

I had a quick look into The Sims 3 when it was first released, and I didn't like it at all. I can't say I gave it a fair try though, but I'd like to know what others think making me decide which I should play, because I honestly don't have either time or money to install both and try them out.

Did you use to play The Sims 2 before The Sims 3 was released? First thoughts about The Sims 3, how was it later on? How is it now, with quite many expansion to it? Good/bad features, things you wish to change? I'm looking for good, honest and mature reviews.

As I said, I haven't play The Sims 3 a lot. What I disliked directly and most is the creating of character. The character itself just looks bad, I didn't really find any nice cloth, and it's just TOO much customizable. I do like the more in deep personality creation. Is this just a first reaction that will fade/I'll get used to it or how is it? How was it for you?

Can't speak much for the rest, since I don't remember so much.

My Sims 3 Opinion[edit source]

Please note that I have not played the Sims 2 yet, therefore I won't have too much say on it! All I have is references of gameplay videos I watched on YouTube!

I see what you mean about the Sims 3 being too customizable. I mean, I like everything about it...don't get me wrong. I like being able to choose my own hair colors, clothes, colors, and whatnot, but sometimes I don't even bother. I personally didn't like the graphics of the Sims 2 THAT MUCH. I mean, trust me...I liked it, and I'm really hoping anyone doesn't argue with me over this matter. Then again, the Sims of the Sims 3 wasn't too much eye candy either. They all were mostly either anorexically skinny or a little bit on the large side, either way...or at least that's how I saw it.

Once again, don't get me wrong! I like the graphics of both, but in my own opinion, I found the Sims 3 to look slightly better.

Watching videos of gameplay and little, 4-minute movies made out of the Sims 2 on YouTube, I have to admit I liked the cinematics of the game, but on the other side, I did have some mixed feelings for them. Sometimes, I feel like I like the Sims 3 non-cinematics as well. As for that, I have mixed feelings. Although, I did like the attractions system...but sadly, the majority of that wouldn't work with the Sims 3 because of the customizable sliders and not presets. I also liked the genetics system and memory system!

Long story short: I made this seem like I was leaning toward the Sims 2 for the most part (especially seeing that I lacked a lot of what I liked from the Sims 3), I will have to go for the Sims 3. I mean, I haven't even played the Sims 2 before. But still...yeah, Sims 3 c: AlphaDogMJP 06:02, October 29, 2012 (UTC)

I play both games[edit source]

I play both games quite a lot. admittedly I only play sims3 on my boyfriends laptop, but it really is dependant on how you want to play the game, they require very different styles of gameplay.

I like to play lots of families, have them interact as a neighbourhood, grow up together, I gotta be honest, I do breed my sims a little, but I like the whole genetics aspect, which is a lot more complicated in sims3. I like the graphics better as well I think the sims 3 look a little creepy, not quite real, but too real to be comfortable with, I like the cartoony style of sims2.

Sims 3 is very complicated, and there are some features Im not happy with. I dont think story progression is quite right yet, it has stolen at least one of my sims when I checked in on a neighbour (despite that it was turned off) and there seem to be no logical way to which nieghbours families change. On sims 3 I control one family and leave the rest of the neighbourhood alone because I cant handle that many people on sims3. Maybe with practice. On sims2 I can treat the whole neighbourhood as one giant family (which they nearly are, bit inbred tbh, its a problem) and easily alternate which houshold I play and who they know.

That said, there are a lot of features I wish I could transfer to sims2, like visiting other people's houses, controlling the whole family spread across different lots, controlling how hard they work, and so on.As yet I still only play sims2 mainly but I have accepted it has pretty much had its day. In a few years you will find hardly a mention of it except as nostalgia. On the plus side, all the expansion packs are out. It wasn't so bad with sims2 when you only get new items, but with sims3 every time you get a new pack you want to remake your entire family with the new traits.