The Sims 3: Pets

Hates jumping is a pet trait featured in The Sims 3: Pets. It's only available for horses. It conflicts with Agile trait.

Some horses prefer to keep their hooves on the ground. When a horse hates jumping, it will refuse to jump more often and do worse at Show Jumping and Cross-Country competitions. It may even take its anger out on your shiny new jump training obstacles!

Attributes Edit

  • Horse will learn the Jumping Skill considerably slower.
  • Horse gets a slight score penalty on Jumping and Cross-Country competitions.
  • Exercise motive drops at a slightly decreased rate.

Premade pets who hate jumping Edit

Glint 3.0 Singleton, Freebird Johnson, Bramble Fox

See also: Category:Pets who hate jumping

pt-br:Odeia Saltar ru:Нетренированная лошадь