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:Reward: Job Experience, §500
:Reward: Job Experience, §500
:''<Sim 1> is still seething with rage, but my job was done to the letter. I collected payment and bid adieu to this cyberspace double cross.''
:''<Sim 1> is still seething with rage, but my job was done to the letter. I collected payment and bid adieu to this cyberspace double cross.''

;Bye Bye Flamingo
:''<Sims 1> contacted me, mortified, because apparently a prized flamingo has gone missing. My old man used to always say flamingos got a pair of great legs but a terrible nose. Ha! I should ask <Sim 1> who might have taken the bird.''
:Goal: "Ask About Potential Suspects" to <Sim 1>
:Reward: Job Experience
:''<Sim 1> is too frantic to provide any decent information about a suspect or the bird's location. It looks like it'd be best if I asked around town for the bird's whereabouts.''
:Goal: "Ask About Missing Flamingo" to 3 Sims
:Reward: Job Experience
:''The locals had mixed information about the bird's location, though I did hear from one citizen that the bird was located near a remote, freshwater body of water. I should snoop for clues near a pond that fits that description.''
:Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at a lake
:Reward: Job Experience
:''Oh, I found the flamingo all right. It's a lousy plastic statue! I wish somebody told me I was looking for tacky lawn art! I just need to return the flamingo to my bird-brained client, <Sim 1>.''
:Goal: "Return Flamingo" to <Sim 1>
:Reward: Job Experience, §500, the Charitable moodlet
:''<Sim 1> was delighted to see the flamingo again. My feathers were too ruffled to take the affair seriously. I collected my fee and walked away. It's for the birds.''

;The Case of the Snail Mail Jam
:''Local political boss <Sim 1> has a case for me, something about mail fraud. I should report in to <Sim 1> to get the facts for the case.''
:Goal: "Interview" <Sim 1>
:Reward: Job Experience
:''<Sim 1> is worried about mail fraud, specifically, an excess of mailbox spam. <Sim 1> wants me to bend the rules and go through a few mailboxes to find out who is spamming the citizenry.''
:Goal: "Inspect Mail Box for Clues" 3 times
:Reward: Job Experience
:''All three mailboxes contained junk mail from the local bookstore. Used books? I don't think I care much for used books and apparently neither do the locals. I should report back to <Sim 1> so that the bookstore can be told to stop spamming folks.''
:Goal: "Report Findings" to <Sim 1>
:Reward: Job Experience, §500, the Saving the Environment moodlet

;The Mystery of the Missing Mate
:''Missing people reports occur all the time, though most often, folks just want to disappear for a while. My new client, <Sim 1>, seems to think a friend has gone missing. I should speak to <Sim 1> for facts on the case.''
:Goal: "Interview" <Sim 1>
:Reward: Job Experience
:''The missing Sim was last seen at the park during a picnic. Perhaps ants carried the poor Sim away, along with the ham sandwiches? I should snoop for clues at the main park in town.''
:Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at the park.
:Reward: Job Experience
:''Follow the money is one of the most accurate sayings in my line of work. In this case, the money is a pay stub, addressed to my missing Sim. The pay stub is from the diner. I should enquire (sic) there.''
:Goal: "Ask About Sim" at the diner.
:Reward: Job Experience
:''Our missing sim (sic) does work at the diner... most days. According to the manager, the sim (sic) has been calling sick in order to attend auditions at the theater. It appears the missing Sim may just be a hopeful actor...which may be worse. I should search the theater.''
:Goal: "Look For Missing Sim" at the theater.
:Reward: Job Experience
:''I found the missing Sim at the theater rehearsing a monologue from the play, "Death of a Gnome Hawker." The Sim has been desperately trying to get a part in the play, all the while neglecting the job, friends, and family. I should report back to <Sim 1> with the news.''
:Goal: "Report Findings" to <Sim 1>
:Reward: Job Experience, §500
:''<Sim 1> was furious, yet tickled, to hear about the missing Sim's disappearing stage act. I'm not sure <Sim 1> shares the Sim's optimism towards acting. The curtains are closed on this case.''

;In the Name of Love
:''<Sim 1> is on the hunt for a ring. She wants to be engaged badly and she wants me to find out if one is on the way. This dame seems a bit crazy, but psychology isn't my profession. Being an Investigator is. I should check in with her first.''
:Goal: "Interview" <Sim 1>
:Reward: Job Experience
:''<Sim 1> is definitely two nuts away from being a squirrel farm. Her boyfriend, <Sim 2>, has no idea. I should search through his mail first to see if there's any evidence of a ring purchase.''
:Goal: "Inspect Mail for Clues" at <Sim 2>'s house.
:Reward: Job Experience
:''<Sim 2> recently purchased a ring if this receipt here is telling the truth. If he's got the ring, I wonder why it hasn't been delivered yet? Maybe his trash can will tell the next chapter of this tale?''
:Goal: "Search Garbage for Clues" at <Sim 2>'s house.
:Reward: Job Experience
:''<Sim 2> recently purchased a bouquet of flowers, lovely arrangement, but threw them away. Cold feet? Too nervous to pop the question? Perhaps <Sim 2> has realized how intense his girlfriend is. I should tell <Sim 1> to back off a bit and ease up.''
:Goal: "Report Findings" to <Sim 1>
:Reward: Job Experience, §500
:''<Sim 1> refuses to admit she's a bit overbearing and intense. I guess that means she won't get the ring she wants any time soon. I got paid, so it isn't my problem. Case closed.''

;The Case of the Bermuda Triangle Love Triangle
:''I got a call from a paranoid man who fears his true love has flown the coop. I imagine this gal has her reasons for ditching his (sic) fella, but right now I must assume she's a missing person. I need to ask <Sim 1> where <Sim 2> was last seen.''
:Goal: "Interview" <Sim 1>
:Reward: Job Experience
:''I feel like I'm being tugged around like a bull by a matador. <Sim 1> doesn't seem to really know his "true love" very well at all. This means I need to ask around and see what other people know about her, considering there's nothing much he can tell me.''
:Goal: "Ask About Sim" to 3 Sims
:Reward: Job Experience
:''It seems everyone in town is dating <Sim 2>. This is either the biggest love triangle in history or a lot of lies. Probably both. I think I should go through <Sim 2>'s mail. It's a dirty means to an end, but there's no free postage in this life.''
:Goal: "Inspect Mail for Clues" at <Sim 2>'s house.
:Reward: Job Experience
:''Why is it that one mailbox contains a handful of mail, each piece addressed to a different lover, and each with a different name on the return? It doesn't look like 15 young ladies live in this house. Perhaps my contact at the local intelligence agency can help distill this nonsense into one name.''
:Goal: "Call Intelligence Agency" at any phone.
:Reward: Job Experience
:''It turns out my contact at the intelligence agency has run across all of the names before. Each one is an alias of a well-known con-artist, a local musician. I'm going to catch the con backstage at the theatre (sic). Ha ha!''
:Goal: "Catch Con-Artist" at the theater.
:Reward: Job Experience
:''The culprit has been a con artist since conning became an art. Really, about the same amount of time she's been a failing musician. Her current hoax is to get everyone in town to fall in love with a fake name, then con them out of gifts and money. Well, I convinced her to cease, desist, and focus on her day job. Unfortunately, now I need to tell <Sim 1> the truth about his "love."''
:Goal: "Report Findings" to <Sim 1>
:Reward: Job Experience, §500
:''For a split second I watch <Sim 1>'s heart beat so strongly I thought the planet was turning. It was touching, but really it is all for the best. He re-allocated funds he was going to spend on a romantic vacation to pay me my fee. Case closed.''

;The Case of the Unsure Heart
:''My new client, <Sim 1>, wants to propose to his girlfriend. Unfortunately, the poor chap isn't sure if she actually loves him. This is where I come in. I need to go on a fact finding mission for a fluttering heart. I should check in with <Sim 1> first.''
:Goal: "Report In" to <Sim 1>
:Reward: Job Experience
:''<Sim 1> really has in bad for this girl. I hope she's worth it. He suggested I speak to a few family members to see what they think of the current relationship. This seems like a good start.''
:Goal: "Ask About Sim" to 2 Sims
:Reward: Job Experience
:''<Sim 1>'s family members don't see this relationship as a very strong one. They aren't keen on it at all. Strike one. I'm going to hack into the girlfriend's computer to see what she has to say about the subject.''
:Goal: "Hack" on any computer.
:Reward: Job Experience
:''This is heart breaking. Thankfully, it's not my heart to break. <Sim 1>'s gal doesn't even mention him -- no pictures, no emails, no blog's as if she doesn't care. I should break the news to him so that he doesn't propose like a fool.''
:Goal: "Report Findings" to Sim 1.
:Reward: Job Experience, §500
:''<Sim 1> took the news in stride, which is something I admire. He plans to keep working on the relationship and bring her over to his point of view. I sure hope this love story has a happy ending.''
