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'''Javiera Batista''' is a pre-made Sim from the neighborhood of [[Isla Paradiso]], available in ''[[The Sims 3: Island Paradise]]''. She lives alone in Science Island and works as an Aquatic Ecosystem Tweaker in the [[Science]] career. Javiera has 8 points in [[Logic]], 5 in [[Gardening]] and 3 in [[Handiness]] skills.
Outside of her home, she is friends with [[Ariel Walsh]], [[Royce Allani]], [[XanderXavier Alvaro]] and acquainted with [[Guillermo Ichtaca]] and [[Alfonso Alto]].
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* The name '''Javiera''' is a Spanish name. It means: owns a new house. People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths. <br /> Which is true for Javiera, living on her own on a small island.
* The name '''Batista''' also has a Latin origin. It is a Spanish or Portuguese surname, literally meaning "batiste". It could also mean "to dip" or "baptist".
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