Longing Gazes household

The Sims 3: Into the Future

Longing Gazes household
There's a lot of history between these three, but they're grown-up enough to make things work as roommates...right?
Name Longing Gazes household
Members Drake Chambers, Harkin Shire, Kel Gwyn
Lot 1191 Shoreline Drive
Funds §50,000
Difficulty level 2 of 6
Other information
Game The Sims 3: Into the Future
Playability Unplayable
World Oasis Landing

The Longing Gazes household is a pre-made household featured in Oasis Landing, from The Sims 3: Into the Future. The household consists of roommates Drake Chambers, Harkin Shire, and Kel Gwyn.

Members Edit

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