Miller family
The Millers are one of the most well-liked families in all of Appaloosa. They've built a reputation as trustworthy humanitarians with their strong family values and unending generosity. As fate would have it, they live right next door to the Riffins - certainly a bunch that could use a helping hand. As Quincy and Jacquie keep a watchful eye over their young neighbors, will the seemingly innocent Maisy take her own special interest in Calvin Riffin?
Name Miller family
Members Quincy Miller, Jacquie Miller, Maisy Miller, Mozart Miller, Patch Miller
Lot 1011 Pomona Promenade
Funds §4000
Difficulty level 4 of 6
Other information
Game The Sims 3: Pets
Playability Playable
World Appaloosa Plains

The Miller Family is a pre-made family who live in Appaloosa Plains, the town that's included in The Sims 3: Pets. The members of the family are the mother, Jacquie Miller, and father, Quincy Miller and their only child Maisy. They have two pets, a dog named Patch and a cat named Mozart. According to their biography they are one of the most liked families in Appaloosa.

They are committed Humanitarians and love to help others. They keep an eye on the young and broken Riffin Family.

List of Members Edit

pt-br:Família Miller nl:Miller familie ru:Семья Миллер