Opportunity/Afterschool activity

This is the list of afterschool activity opportunities. Children and teens who are enrolled in afterschool activity may be eligible to receive audition or recital opportunity. They will receive it after school is over.

  • Audition is offered when a child has reached level 2 of ballet or scouting, or when a teen has reached 60% of their age span[1].
  • Recital is offered when a child has reached level 3 of ballet or scouting, or when a teen is within 3 days before aging up.

Study afterschool activity does not have recital opportunity. If an audition or recital opportunity has been rejected, Sims will not receive the same opportunity the second time.

Audition Edit

Recital Edit

Notes Edit

  1. 9 days old under unmodified, non-occult lifespan.