The Sims Medieval

Snordwich is an extremely laid-back territory whose citizens are required to have daily naps every afternoon. The head of the Snords - as they're called - is the Snoozemeister, who's protected by a bodyguard known as Snoozeguards.

The residents of Snordwich look upon the poor, toilsome workers in Crafthole with a bit of pity. Why do they work so hard? What problem can't be solved by a good, long nap? Snordwich's daily mandatory napping period in the afternoon, for example, has served them quite well.

Snordwich appears on the map when the kingdom reaches 160 Renown. It requires 10 Resource Points to ally with.

Trading Edit

Snordwich buys fish.


  • 5 Wood for Sleeping Draught
  • 1 Goose Feather for Mithral
  • 2 Tablet of the Watcher for Darkstone