The Sims: Makin' Magic

Prick-Me-Not Spinning Wheel
The Prick-Me-Not (equipped with our patented non-puncture spindle tip) makes gold thread out of straw, without the straw! However, MagiCo recommends that you sing this song whilst spinning: "My baking and brewing I will do today, the queen's son to-morrow I will take away, no wise man can show the queen where to begin, for my name, to be sure, is Rumplestiltskin."
Game The Sims: Makin' Magic
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §417
Object type(s) Skill

The Prick-Me-Not Spinning Wheel is an object from Makin' Magic. It costs §417, and can be bought from the Miscellaneous->Magic sort in Buy mode. Sims can sit at the wheel, pressing their foot down on a pedal to spin it and make golden thread which can be sold or kept for use in making charms. Using it builds the Mechanical skill.

It is a reference to both the "Rumplestiltskin" and "Sleeping Beauty/Briar Rose" fairy tales.
