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Susan is hated a lot due to Gaia Kymicsu Nicolosi having been pathologically obsessed with her (although it was AGES ago!) and because of that, any Susan-related secret on SimSecret nowadays, ends up unposted just for being Susan-related. Same for posts on Modthesims, Carlsims3guide, and even the official sims forum. Anything susan-related gets cancelled and associated to Gaia Kymicsu's obsession for her although Gaia stopped being obsessed with Susan and playing TS3 AGES ago. NOT EVERYTHING SUSAN RELATED IN 2018 IS FROM GAIA YOU SHEEPLE! It is NOT just Gaia that likes her! And Gaia is'nt even obsessed with Susan anymore!

Heck, Susan's favorites and coloring were all still wrong by the time TS4 was released. This page still said that she was S1 with red hair and blue eyes (she's most likely closer to S2, with brown hair and green eyes), and it said her favorites were classical\sushi\green instead of electronica\dim sum\red. It was'nt like that for any other premade playable sim from Sunset Valley! (I even made a simsecret post about that, which secretposter did'nt post and said that they did'nt post it because it had a broken link, but actually it was because Gaia used to be obsessed with Susan and having the secret there would have had people thinking it must be Gaia and feel trolled by her Susan obsession although that obsession was'nt there anymore!)

Gaia Kymicsu Nicolosi is'nt a troll. She's a pure, cute, aroace woman, who LONG AGO was obsessed with Susan and thus blinded by her addictiveness, and thus vandalized the sims wiki page and posted a "Susan is my goddess" secret also LONG AGO, and then, AGES AFTER MAKING AND POSTING THAT SUSAN SECRET, was banned off of SimSecret for being a troll, because she used to make the "Susan is my goddess" simsecret and people still felt trolled by it although SHE HAD SINCE GROWN OUT OF THE OBSESSION by the time she was banned off of SimSecret.

And for the Blair x Cycl0n3 x Susan threesome... that was'nt motivated by any fetish. It was ALSO motivated by obsession for Susan.

So yes, Gaia is'nt obsessed by Susan anymore although people still feel trolled by said obsession. And not everything Susan is by Gaia.

- Arianna Catalano <3