Template:Fan fiction

Fan fiction
Name {{{name}}}
Genre {{{genre}}}
Created by {{{creator}}}
Rating {{{rating}}}
Number of Chapters {{{numberofchapters}}}

Original Run {{{originalrun}}}
Status {{{status}}}

Preceded by:
Succeeded by:

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{{Fan fiction
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Used as an infobox for Fan Fiction pages. Can be used to indicate chapters, themes, ratings and more.


{{Fan fiction
|image= image for article infobox
|name= name of article
|genre= genre of article
|creator= author's username
|rating= intended audience, e.g. G, PG, R, etc
|numberofchapters= number of chapters
|originalrun= how long the series was written for
|status= whether it is still being written
|preceded= story/chapter before
|proceeded= story/chapter after

Note that if one field is left empty, it will be omitted from the template. Alternatives for the "preceded" and "proceeded" parameters are "previous" & "predecessor" and "succeeded", "successor", & "next" respectively.

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