
Hello, I'm Jimbo. I noticed that you recently edited a fanon page without first logging in to a FANDOM/Wikia account. Please note that only registered and logged-in users are allowed to create or edit fanon pages on The Sims Wiki. As a result, any edits you have made to fanon pages while not logged in have been reverted. If you are the author of the fanon page(s) you've edited, please be sure to log into your FANDOM/Wikia account before making edits to your fanon. If you think I made a mistake, or if you have any questions, please leave me a message on my talk page. Thanks!

Template documentation (View · Edit · History · Purge)
This is a pre-written advisory message intended for users who have edited fanon pages while logged-out. This message is intended as a reminder to fanon authors to log in before making changes to their fanon pages. This template should only be used on talk pages for unregistered users. Do not use this message if the edit(s) in question were clearly vandalism.
Simply add the following to the talk page of the user:
You do not have to add four tildes (~~~~) at the end of the template, as this template automatically adds it for you. You must substitute the template as shown above.
Also keep in mind that this template will not add a section header for you. You must add that in yourself.

Visit Template:Fanonlogin/doc to edit this text! (How does this work?) (Refresh this text - why?)