The Sims Wiki:IRC Channel/quotes

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by imported>BobNewbie at 13:03, 25 June 2011. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

This page is kept for humorous purposes. Please do not take it seriously — just have a good laugh!

Here's a list of some memorable quotes from The Sims Wiki's IRC Channel. If you would like a quote to be removed for whatever reason, feel free to contact an administrator.

Remember to tag your quotes with <pre> tags and add them at the bottom.

[01:29] <LostInRiverview> Yeah, it's okay. Not all of us are perfect, like me.
[01:30] <Bleeh> ?
[01:30] <LostInRiverview> crap, what I meant to say is:
[01:30] <LostInRiverview> "Not everyone can be as perfect as me."
[01:30] <Bleeh> LOL
[01:30] <Bleeh> that's a major fail
[23:17:46] <JEA13> srsly, I don't get what "voice" means in the IRC
[23:17:50] <JEA13> call me a noob
[23:17:51] <+Duskey> It's youghurt with garlic and cucumbers, more or less. It's great as a bread or salad dressing
[05:21:28] <+Bleeh> he doesn't care about Canada or salt :p
[05:21:47] <+Duskey> Salt is ok
[05:21:51] <+Bleeh> Grr
[22:26]	<Duskey> I'm still surprised at how little The Sims Wiki is considering we're 
spanning multiple games with alot of expansion packs
[22:26]	<Bleeh>	a lot is two words
[22:26]	<Bleeh>	I've told you that A LOT of times :p
[22:28]	<Bleeh>	On the news there's a story about a 3 feet tall rabbit :D
[05:55:26] <+Bleeh> After Michael Jackson died I actually had multiple nightmares about him, scary.
[05:55:29] <+LiR> standing behind you
[05:56:00] <+Bleeh> No, breaking into my room while I sleep in a neon blue/yellow/red or green jumpsuit.
[05:56:08] <+Bleeh> I had 4 different ones.
[22:49]	<Bleeh>	It was too warm this past winter D:
[22:49]	<LiR>	So, how about them unicorns, huh?
[22:49]	<Bleeh>	You shot them :'(
[22:49]	* LiR	revives the unicorns
[22:49]	<Bleeh>	YAY!
[22:49]	<Bleeh>	What about the fairies?
[22:49]	<LiR>	never mind, it's not worth it
[22:50]	* LiR	shoots the unicorns again
[22:50]	<Bleeh>	NOO!!!
[03:09:10] * Joins: Bleeh (451a54ea@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
[03:09:54] * Quits: Bleeh (451a54ea@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ (Client Quit)
[03:13:16] * Joins: Bleeh (451a54ea@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
[03:15:32] <Bleeh> This is annoying :p
[03:16:19] <Bleeh> Lol it's working now
[03:16:19] * Quits: Bleeh (451a54ea@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ (Client Quit)
<+LostInRiverview> I'm just going to do Bebe Hart
[15:53]	* Duskey	slaps LiR around a bit with a large trout
[15:54]	* LiR	resists Duskey's trout-slapping
[15:54]	* LiR	manages to make things sound much dirtier than they actually are.
[15:54]	<Duskey>	Yeah baby, slap that trout
[15:54]	<LiR>	do you call it that because it's cold, wet and slimy?
[15:55]	<LiR>	....and it smells bad?
[15:55]	<Duskey>	Yes
[15:56]	<LiR>	...awkward silence
[15:58]	<Duskey>	Love it
[22:03] <+Bleeh> Greenland > Manitoba > Alberta > Quebec > the territories > the Atlantic provinces > Ontario > Saskatchewan
[22:03] <+Bleeh> ...and BC is before Ontario :o
[22:04] <RandomRanaun> And the US is before all of them. :p
[22:04] <+Bleeh> BEFORE? BEFORE!?!?!?!?!?!
[22:04] <RandomRanaun> haha jk
[22:04] <RandomRanaun> I'm adding this to the IRC quotes. :p
[22:14] <+Bleeh> Guess the capital of Manitoba :o I like how a couple Canadians I asked didn't know... :p
[22:15] <RandomRanaun> Uhhh....
[22:15] <RandomRanaun> Ummmm.....
[22:15] <RandomRanaun> Wait....
[22:15] <RandomRanaun> I know this.....
[22:15] <RandomRanaun> Sacramento!
[22:16] <+Bleeh> No, good try :p
[22:16] <RandomRanaun> Ummm.... Detriot!
[22:16] <+Bleeh> No. :p
[22:16] <+Bleeh> It starts with a W.
[22:17] <RandomRanaun> OOH OOH Watertown!
[22:17] <+Bleeh> It ends with a g :o
[22:17] <RandomRanaun> Oh, just tell me.
[22:17] <RandomRanaun> lol
[22:18] <+Bleeh> No.
[22:18] <RandomRanaun> Fine then I'll search it. :p
[22:18] <+Bleeh> No. Guess x_x
[22:18] <RandomRanaun> Ok...
[22:19] <RandomRanaun> Ummm....
[22:19] <RandomRanaun> Tell me the first syllable.
[22:19] <+Bleeh> No.
[22:19] <RandomRanaun> Fine!
[22:19] <+Bleeh> There's 8 letters...
[22:20] <RandomRanaun> Ok, tell me the first 8. :p
[22:20] <+Bleeh> It has the biggest population in all of Manitoba :o
[22:20] <RandomRanaun> Well, of course, its the capital! :p
[22:20] <+Bleeh> The first TWO are W and i. So that makes it Wi_____g :p
[22:21] <+Bleeh> Well if it was like Alberta it would be different.
[22:21] <+Bleeh> Since Calgary has a higher population than Edmonton but Edmonton's the capital and way cooler
[22:23] <RandomRanaun> Witchberg!
[22:23] <+Bleeh> It's Winnipeg :p
[22:23] <RandomRanaun> OHHHHH.....
[22:23] <RandomRanaun> I still wouldn't know that. lol
[21:25] <GeorgieGibbons> I'm trying to figure out how the community gradually got smaller
[21:25] <Ariette> Someone put it in the washer for too long
[21:25] <Ariette> =(
[00:06] <BobTheZ> k. means kick right?
[00:06] <+Bleeh> ...lolol
[00:06] * Ariette facepalms
[00:06] <+Bleeh> no it means okay.
[00:00]	<Auror>	Hi there, Bleeh, LiR, and BobTheZ.
[00:01]	<BobTheZ> RR gets no love
[00:01]	<Auror>	:/
[00:01]	<Auror>	Hi there RandomRanaun.
[00:01]	<LiR> yaay! Auror loves RandomRanaun!
[00:01]	<RandomRanaun> Hi Auror.
[00:02]	<BobTheZ> :D
[00:02]	<LiR> It's a happy love fest all around!
[00:02]	== RandomRanaun has left freenode
[06:35] <RandomRanaun> >_>
[06:36] <RandomRanaun> BLEEH AND BOB ARE EDITING A PAGE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G
[06:37] <+Bleeh> wtf.
[06:37] <RandomRanaun> :p
[06:37] <BobTheZ> GRR
[06:37] <Auror> XD
[06:37] <+Bleeh> It's Bleeh and Archie or nothing at all.
[06:37] <BobTheZ> YOU ADMIT IT!
[06:37] <RandomRanaun> lol
[06:37] <Auror> :O
[16:05] <RandomRanaun> !AnvilBot is annoying the crap out of everyone here and should just be kicked from the IRC
[16:05] <AnvilBot> i'll remember that
[16:05] <RandomRanaun> !AnvilBot
[16:05] <AnvilBot> AnvilBot is annoying the crap out of everyone here and should just be kicked from the IRC
[16:05] <GeorgieGibbons> LOL
[16:05] <RandomRanaun> :p
[00:50] <+LiR|Laundry> Comedy is funny
[17:50] <+LiR> DRUM ROLL EVERYBODY!.....
[17:50] == mode/#the_sims [+o LiR] by ChanServ
[17:50] <@LiR> Now, as a ceremonial measure
[17:50] <@LiR> ******GREENLAND IS HEREBY UNBANNED ON #The_Sims FOREVER!******
[17:50] <GeorgieGibbons> but banned on #wikia-sims
[17:51] <rarqwrgsd> YAYYYY and NOOOO
[17:51] <@LiR> Goodbye #The_Sims!
[17:51] <@LiR> in 30 seconds...
[17:51]  * UnBobNewbie cries
[17:51] <@LiR> everyone finish up
[17:51] <UnBobNewbie> bye!
[17:51] <GeorgieGibbons> We'll be back for you Linkita
[17:51] <UnBobNewbie> I LOVE YOU!
[17:51] <UnBobNewbie> I'LL MISS YOU!
[17:51] <rarqwrgsd> ):
[17:52] <@LiR> 5
[17:52] <@LiR> 4
[17:52] <@LiR> 3
[17:52] <UnBobNewbie> PLEASE, REMEMBER US!
[17:52] <rarqwrgsd> BYEEE <3
[17:52] <@LiR> 2
[17:52] <@LiR> 1
[17:52] <GeorgieGibbons> WHERES MY KEYS
[17:52] <UnBobNewbie> <3
[17:52] == mode/#the_sims [+i] by LiR
[17:52] <rarqwrgsd> and brb my laptop's on now.
[17:52] <@LiR> was that supposed to do something?
[17:52] <UnBobNewbie> Bye...
[17:52] == rarqwrgsd [wyhpoc@] has quit [Quit: Chatmosphere - IRC for Blackberry]
[17:52] <GeorgieGibbons>  /mode +f #wikia-sims
[17:52] <GeorgieGibbons> +i is invite only
[17:52] <UnBobNewbie> lol fail
[17:52] <@LiR> ok
[17:52] <@LiR> lol
[17:52] <GeorgieGibbons> So that it will forward everyone
[17:52] <GeorgieGibbons> Keep +i
[17:52] <@LiR> alright....
[17:52] <GeorgieGibbons> or it won't work
[17:52] <@LiR> 10
[17:52] <@LiR> 9
[17:52] <@LiR> 8
[17:52] <UnBobNewbie> LOVE YOU
[17:52] <@LiR> 7
[17:52] <@LiR> 6
[17:52] <@LiR> 5.5
[17:52] <UnBobNewbie> WE LOVE YOU
[17:52] <GeorgieGibbons> 54321
[17:52] <@LiR> 5.2
[17:53] <@LiR> 5
[17:53] <@LiR> 4
[17:53] <@LiR> 5 again
[17:53] <@LiR> 3
[17:53] <@LiR> 2
[17:53] <UnBobNewbie> I'LL MISS YA BABY!
[17:53] <@LiR> 1
[17:53] <@LiR> 0
[17:53] <@LiR> -1
[17:53] <UnBobNewbie> Bye....
[17:53] <@LiR> ah
[17:53] <@LiR> I need to op on #wikia-sims :p

[20:27] <+Another_Zombie> This place is pretty dead suddenly :/ [20:27] <+RandomRanaun> ... [20:28] * RandomRanaun is dead [20:28] <+RandomRanaun> :p [20:28] * Another_Zombie is dead [20:28] <+Another_Zombie> lol irony

[12:41] <@GeorgieGibbons> !8ball does RuneScript suck? [12:41] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "does RuneScript suck?": Yes

[21:03] <+RandomRanaun> I thought Denmark was in Colorado. :? [21:03] <+Bleeh> ... Denmark is in Europe. [21:03] <+GeorgieGibbons> 0_o [21:03] <+RandomRanaun> OH [21:03] <+Bleeh> It's a Scandinavian country. [21:03] <+RandomRanaun> I'm thinking of Denver. :p

[09:40] <XoTulleMorXo> I have lost my hearing.
[09:41] <WoganHemlock> Rebecca Black?
[09:41] <WoganHemlock> GET.
[09:41] <WoganHemlock> OUT.
[09:41] <WoganHemlock> Listening to Rebecca Black has been proven to cause the person listening to die.
[09:41] <WoganHemlock> Painfully.
[09:42] <XoTulleMorXo> Sorry, I have lost my eyesight, as well.
[09:42] <WoganHemlock> And a loss of hearing and eyesight.
[09:43] <WoganHemlock> For the good of everyone on the channel, DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK.
[09:43] <WoganHemlock> Unless you want to die.
[13:36] <WoganHemlock> Oh good. But most of the ones who come here are nutjobs.
[13:36] <WoganHemlock> Or irritating.
[13:37] <+RandomRanaun> You got that right, girlfriend! :D
[13:37] <+RandomRanaun> Whoops, wrong time period. :p
[13:37] <+RandomRanaun> GHAHAHAHAHA
[13:37] <+RandomRanaun> Away I go!
[13:37]  * RandomRanaun goes away
[13:38] <WoganHemlock> ...that was odd...
[13:38] <+RandomRanaun> lol that was the whole point. :p
[13:38] <WoganHemlock> I know.
[13:38] <+RandomRanaun> :DD
[13:38] <WoganHemlock> We should add that to the IRC quotes.
[13:39] <+RandomRanaun> Yeah. :D
[13:39] <WoganHemlock> I will.
[13:39] <+RandomRanaun> But, just to make sure, I'm not a nutjob. :p
[13:39] <+RandomRanaun> Right?
[13:39] <WoganHemlock> Yes.
[13:40] <+Bleeh> K SO
[13:40] <+Bleeh> JUST TO MAKE SURE
[13:40] <+Bleeh> I'M NOT ONE
[13:40] <+Bleeh> pshhhhhhhahhaqhwhwhwh.
[13:40] <+RandomRanaun> I'm not one either.
[13:40] <+RandomRanaun> jjjjjjuuuussstttooommmaakkeesuurreee
[13:41] <+RandomRanaun> looloolooloolooloo!!!
[22:22] <+GeorgieGibbons> !8ball do you like it here?
[22:22] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "do you like it here?": No!
[22:24] <+LiR> lol
[22:24] <+LiR> !8ball you should just go
[22:24] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "you should just go": How should I know?
[22:24] <+LiR> Hey that rhymes
[22:25] <+GeorgieGibbons> !8ball do you want +b or +q?
[22:25] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "do you want +b or +q?": Yes
[22:25] <+GeorgieGibbons> ok then
[22:25] * ChanServ sets mode +q *!* for #wikia-sims
[22:25] <+GeorgieGibbons> he wanted it
[09:37]  * GeorgieGibbons kills WoganHemlock
[09:37]  * WoganHemlock is angry.
[09:37]  * RandomRanaun kills GeorgieGibbons
[09:37]  * GeorgieGibbons dies...again
[09:38] == Ghost_of_GG [~marmalade@uncyclopedia/GEORGIEGIBBONS] has joined #wikia-sims
[09:38] == mode/#wikia-sims [+v Ghost_of_GG] by ChanServ
[09:38] <+Ghost_of_GG> RandomRanaun
[09:38] <+Ghost_of_GG> why kill me?
[09:39] <+RandomRanaun> Because you killed Wogan, duh. :p
[09:39] <+Ghost_of_GG> my ident says marmalade :s
[09:39] <+Ghost_of_GG> at least it doesn't say ladygaga like it once did
[09:39]  * Ghost_of_GG haunts RandomRanaun
[09:39]  * Ghost_of_GG haunts everyone
[09:39] <+Ghost_of_GG> YOU CAN'T KILL ME
[09:39] <+Ghost_of_GG> NOT EVEN NICKSERV CAN
[18:03] <Andronikos>''-2-8G hz-4G-1TB.html
[18:03] <Andronikos> Is this a good price?
[18:04] * Andronikos (59d2cabd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit ( Quit: Page closed )
[18:04] <+RandomRanaun> lol
[18:04] <+GeorgieGibbons> even though he left, no it isn't
[18:04] <+RandomRanaun> Accident?
[18:04] <+RandomRanaun> Someone add this to the quotes.
[13:14] <+Bleeh> !8ball Do you like Greenland?
[13:14] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Do you like Greenland?": Hell no.
[13:14] <+Bleeh> D;
[13:14] <+RandomRanaun> :D
[13:14] <WoganHemlock> XDDDDDDDDDD
[13:14] <+RandomRanaun> !8ball Do you like Bleeh?
[13:14] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Do you like Bleeh?": No!
[13:14] <+RandomRanaun> HAHA
[13:14] <+Bleeh> )":
[13:14] <+RandomRanaun> That's just icing on the cake! :P
[13:14] <+Bleeh> adding this to the IRC quotes :P
[13:29] <WoganHemlock> !8ball Should I launch a nuclear missile strike on Greenland?
[13:29] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Should I launch a nuclear missile strike on Greenland?": Probably.
[13:29] <WoganHemlock> OK.
[13:30] <+Bleeh> no.
[13:30]  * WoganHemlock nukes Greenland.
[13:30] <+Bleeh> no.
[13:30] <+Bleeh> you just messed up a lot of the Arctic enviroment. :|
[13:30] <+Bleeh> ARE YOU HAPPY?
[13:30] <WoganHemlock> Very.
[13:32]  * RandomRanaun tries to hide from the nuclear missile strike by using an umbrella. ☂
[13:32] <+RandomRanaun> :p
[13:33] <WoganHemlock> Hope it's a lead umbrella.
[13:44] <Mortelle> Meep.
[13:44] <+RandomRanaun> Meep! Meep!
[13:44] <Mortelle> Meep!
[13:44] <WoganHemlock> meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meepmeep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meepmeep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep
[13:44] <+RandomRanaun> Meep.
[13:44] <Mortelle> Meep
[13:44] <WoganHemlock> meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meepmeep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meepmeep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meepmeep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meepmeep meep meep meep meep meep meep
[13:44]  * RandomRanaun says "In this case, meep means spam." :p
[11:13] <+GeorgieGibbons> my connection died :/
[11:13] <WoganHemlock> You really should get that fixed.
[11:13] <+GeorgieGibbons> internet where I live is poor overall
[11:14] <+GeorgieGibbons> my connection is meant to be the fastest
[11:14] <WoganHemlock> That's pretty depressing.
[11:16] <+GeorgieGibbons> I'm meant to get 8Mbps
[11:16] <+GeorgieGibbons> I only get 1
[11:16] <WoganHemlock> Ouch.
[11:16] <WoganHemlock> !8ball Does Georgie's connection suck?
[11:16] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Does Georgie's connection suck?": Hell no.
[11:17] <WoganHemlock> We need to replace RuneScript's batteries.
[14:14] <WoganHemlock> Who is i am a box?
[14:14] <+I_am_a_box> me.
[14:14] <+I_am_a_box> I'm a box.......................
[14:15] <WoganHemlock> But, who are you usually?
[14:15] <+I_am_a_box> I'm a box.
[14:15] <+I_am_a_box> always.
[14:15] <+RandomRanaun> Bleeh.
[14:15] <+RandomRanaun> :p
[14:15] <+I_am_a_box> no.
[14:15] <WoganHemlock> Oh.
[14:15] <+I_am_a_box> )':
[14:16] <WoganHemlock> Are you Bleeh?
[14:16] <+I_am_a_box> I'm a box.
[14:16] <WoganHemlock> You're Duskey, then.
[14:16] <+LiR> I_am_a_box = Bleeh
[14:16] <+I_am_a_box> nooo!!
[14:16] <WoganHemlock> So... what's with the name?
[14:16] <+I_am_a_box> I'm a box!!!
[14:16] <+LiR> Duskey = R.I.P.
[14:16] <+I_am_a_box> I'm a Greenlandic box.
[14:16] <+I_am_a_box> and lol.
[14:16] <WoganHemlock> That gives it away.
[14:17] <+I_am_a_box> no.
[14:17] <+I_am_a_box> everyone likes Greenland.
[14:17] <WoganHemlock> No.
[14:17] <+I_am_a_box> that's why there was something about it on some show called Historic Weather!!!!
[14:17] <+I_am_a_box> or something like that.
[19:40] * GeorgieGibbons is now known as bacon
[19:40] * I_am_a_box is now known as is_gross
[19:41] <+bacon> Asorailahd bacon is_gross <-- that a new brand?
[16:14] == Cerisa [4cb077e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikia-sims ["having a clone is weird :3"]
[16:15] <+GG|school> she has a clone?
[16:15] <WoganHemlock> Science has come a long way.
[22:23] * Mortelle (4cb077e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikia-sims
[22:23] * Mortelle blinks
[22:23] <+Bleeh> o.o
[22:23] <+Bleeh> wassup
[22:24] <Mortelle> Need to get my lazy butt out of the computer and do my homework.
[22:24] <MTDM> Get Morteeeelle.
[22:24] <Mortelle> wut
[22:24] <MTDM> Hey*
[22:24] <MTDM> Fail.
[22:24] <MTDM> xD
[09:28] <+Bleeh> Twilight Sparkle is horrible.
[09:28] <+Bleeh> she's yelling at Spike.
[09:28] <+Bleeh> but I like her unicorn powers.
[09:29] <WoganHemlock> -sigh-
[09:29] <WoganHemlock> No.
[09:29] <WoganHemlock> More.
[09:29] <WoganHemlock> Ponies.
[09:35] <+Bleeh> I miss the old My Little Pony ponies.
[09:38] <+Bleeh> the weather pony just cleared the sky
[09:38] <+GeorgieGibbons> I really don't see the point of that
[09:38] <+GeorgieGibbons> NOONE LIKES MY LITTLE PONY
[09:38] <+Bleeh> everyone likes My Little Pony.
[09:39] <WoganHemlock> NOONE.
[09:39] <WoganHemlock> LIKES.
[09:39] <WoganHemlock> MY.
[09:39] <WoganHemlock> LITTLE.
[09:39] <WoganHemlock> PONY.
[09:39] <+Bleeh> there's a Britlandish pony.
[09:39] <+GeorgieGibbons> where's Britland?
[09:39] <+Bleeh> or French.
[09:40] <+Bleeh> cuz it has a Britlandish accent but it said a French word. o.o
[09:42] <+Bleeh> fine then after the episode is done I'll talk about Greenland.
[09:42] <+GeorgieGibbons> then she'll talk about the ponies that she's already mentioned
[09:43] <+RandomRanaun> I love Twilight Sparkle! :D
[09:43] <+GeorgieGibbons> everyone move to #wikia-sims-alternate
[09:43] <+RandomRanaun> And I love My Little Pony!!! :DD
[09:44] <+Bleeh> ouch
[09:44] <+Bleeh> and so the musical pony's name is Fluttershy
[09:44] == RandomRanaun [434411cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-sims-alternate
[09:44] <RandomRanaun> What's this place for?
[09:44] <WoganHemlock> Escaping Bleeh.
[09:44] == RandomRanaun [434411cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikia-sims-alternate []
[09:48] == mode/#wikia-mylittlepony [+o WoganHemlock] by GeorgieGibbons
[09:48] <Bleeh> do you like the show?
[09:48] <@GeorgieGibbons> do you?
[09:48] == Bleeh was kicked from #wikia-mylittlepony by WoganHemlock [NO MORE PONIES]
[09:48] == Bleeh [] has joined #wikia-mylittlepony
[09:48]  * GeorgieGibbons turns this into a troll channel
[09:48] == Bleeh was kicked from #wikia-mylittlepony by WoganHemlock [Bleeh]
[09:48] == Bleeh [] has joined #wikia-mylittlepony
[09:48] <@GeorgieGibbons> damn auto-rejoin
[09:49] == Bleeh was kicked from #wikia-mylittlepony by WoganHemlock [DO. NOT. COME. BACK.]
[09:49] == Bleeh [] has joined #wikia-mylittlepony
[09:49] <@WoganHemlock> Arrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhh
[09:52] <+Bleeh> the princess disappeared
[09:52] <WoganHemlock> Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[09:52] == mode/#wikia-sims [+o GeorgieGibbons] by ChanServ
[09:53] == mode/#wikia-sims [+b *!*] by GeorgieGibbons
[09:53] == Bleeh was kicked from #wikia-sims by GeorgieGibbons [NO]
[09:53] <@GeorgieGibbons> she's gone
[09:54] <@GeorgieGibbons> she'll eventually realise how to unban herself
[09:54] == mode/#wikia-sims [-b *!*] by ChanServ
[09:54] == Bleeh [] has joined #wikia-sims
[09:54] == mode/#wikia-sims [+v Bleeh] by ChanServ
[09:54] <+Bleeh> hi
[09:54] <@GeorgieGibbons> HEY
[09:55] <@GeorgieGibbons> no pony references pl0x
[09:55] <+Bleeh> Greenland references now.
[09:55] == mode/#wikia-sims [+b *!*@uncyclopedia/GEORGIEGIBBONS] by GeorgieGibbons
[09:56] == GeorgieGibbons was kicked from #wikia-sims by GeorgieGibbons [bye]
[10:01] <+RandomRanaun> LOL
[10:01] == RandomRanaun has changed nick to Sally-_-
[10:02] == mode/#wikia-sims [+o GeorgieGibbons] by ChanServ
[10:02] == Sally-_- was kicked from #wikia-sims by GeorgieGibbons [Duskey]
[10:02] == mode/#wikia-sims [-o GeorgieGibbons] by GeorgieGibbons
[10:03] == Duskey [ca7c495b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-sims
[10:03] <Duskey> Hi.
[10:03] <+GeorgieGibbons> @ip
[10:03] <RuneScript> *** [ IP ]: Hostname: ISP: Vodafone Hutchison Three Organization: Vodafone Hutchison Three Proxy: None detected Type: Broadband Assignment: Static IP Country: Australia State/Region: New South Wales City: Sydney Latitude: -33.8833 Longitude: 151.2167
[10:03] == Sally-_- [434411cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-sims
[10:03] == mode/#wikia-sims [+v Sally-_-] by ChanServ
[10:03] <+GeorgieGibbons> lol three
[10:03] <Duskey> CRAPPPPP.
[10:03] == Sally-_- has changed nick to RandomRanau
[10:03] <+GeorgieGibbons> lol fail
[10:03] <+RandomRanau> Anything happen while I was gone?
[10:03] <+GeorgieGibbons> RandomRanau
[10:03] <Duskey> I returned.
[10:03] == RandomRanau has changed nick to RandomRanaun
[10:04] <+GeorgieGibbons> notice something missing?
[10:04] <+RandomRanaun> Hu Duskey
[10:04] <+RandomRanaun> *hi
[10:04] <Duskey> Hi.
[10:04] <+Bleeh> wtf has happened
[10:04] <Duskey> How are you?
[10:04] <+Bleeh> she's like wearing a shirt as a dress
[10:04] <+RandomRanaun> Good. :)
[10:04] <+Bleeh> the world has gone crazyyyy
[10:04] <+GeorgieGibbons> cool story, bro
[10:04] <+RandomRanaun> Are you going to return to the wiki Duskey?
[10:04] <Duskey> I was playing Fallout 3 for the past few months.
[10:04] <+GeorgieGibbons> that is NOT DUSKEY
[10:05] <+Bleeh> ^
[10:05] <+GeorgieGibbons> Duskey's IP is...idk
[10:05] <+RandomRanaun> That isn't Duskey?
[10:05] <+GeorgieGibbons> login as Duskey
[10:05] == Duskey [ca7c495b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikia-sims []
[15:28] <+GeorgieGibbons> I hate you Bleeh
[15:28] <+BobTheZ> ^
[15:28] <+Bleeh> aw
[15:28] <+Bleeh> :'( 
[15:29] <+Bleeh> at least Francois luvs me
[11:33] <+GeorgieGibbons> my ISP claim to be doing maintanence
[11:33] <+GeorgieGibbons> WHAT maintanence?
[11:33] <+GeorgieGibbons> I don't think stealing bandwidth is maintenance
[18:52] <GeorgieGibbons> /j #Bleeh_is_a_creep
[18:53] <RandomRanaun> I'm so joining that. :p
[08:16] <+WoganHemlock> I'm sick of this nick.
[08:17] == WoganHemlock has changed nick to TonyThePelican
[08:17] <+TonyThePelican> Better.
[22:48] <+RandomRanaun> "As Random Ranaun proposed the idea, he is obviously in support." <-- LiR
[22:48] <+RandomRanaun> Oppose - I agree with the two users above. —Random Ranaun (Talk to me!) 06:39, May 16, 2011 (UTC)
[22:48] <+RandomRanaun> xD
[22:48] <+RandomRanaun> irony :p
[22:33] <RandomRanaun> !8ball Do you love Linkita?
[22:33] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Do you love Linkita?": Undoubtedly so.
[22:33] <RandomRanaun> :D
[22:33] <RandomRanaun> !8ball Do you love Bleeh too?
[22:33] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Do you love Bleeh too?": There is a good chance.
[22:33] <RandomRanaun> :O
[22:33] <RandomRanaun> !8ball How about Auror?
[22:33] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "How about Auror?": Are you crazy?!
[19:19] <+WoganHemlock> !8ball Is Bob a zombie?
[19:19] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Is Bob a zombie?": Hell no.
[19:19] <+WoganHemlock> !8ball How about me?
[19:19] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "How about me?": Yes
[19:19] <BobTheZ> excuse me?
[19:19]  * WoganHemlock eats BobTheZ's brain.
[19:20] <+WoganHemlock> arrrgggghhhhhhhhhh
[13:20] == Fail-A-Bot [4630b984@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-sims
[13:20] <Fail-A-Bot> You Fail.
[13:20] <Fail-A-Bot>
[13:20] == Fail-A-Bot was kicked from #wikia-sims by WoganHemlock [YOU FAIL.]
[13:20] == Fail-A-Bot [4630b984@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-sims
[13:20] <Fail-A-Bot> This Channel Fails.
[13:20] <Fail-A-Bot>
[13:20] == Bleeh [] has quit []
[13:20] == Fail-A-Bot was kicked from #wikia-sims by WoganHemlock [Fail-A-Bot]
[13:20] == Fail-A-Bot [4630b984@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-sims
[13:21] <Fail-A-Bot> Just how much can someone fail?
[13:21] <@WoganHemlock> ARRRRRRGHHHH.
[13:21] <Fail-A-Bot>
[13:21] == mode/#wikia-sims [+b Fail-A-Bot!*@*] by WoganHemlock
[13:21] == Fail-A-Bot was kicked from #wikia-sims by WoganHemlock [Fail-A-Bot]
[13:22] <+RandomRanaun> That Fail-A-Bot is quite a character. :/
[13:22] <@WoganHemlock> Yeah.
[13:22] <@WoganHemlock> Trololololololololol.
[13:22] == Fail-A-User [4630b984@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-sims
[13:22] <Fail-A-User> You Fail at banning IPs.
[13:22] <Fail-A-User>
[13:22] == mode/#wikia-sims [+b *!*@] by WoganHemlock
[13:22] == Fail-A-User [4630b984@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Fail, Fail, Fail]
[13:23] <MTDM> WTF.
[13:23] == mode/#wikia-sims [+o RandomRanaun] by ChanServ
[13:23] <MTDM> :|"""
[13:23] == mode/#wikia-sims [-b *!*@] by RandomRanaun
[13:23] <@RandomRanaun> Don't ban IPs.
[13:23] <@WoganHemlock> But Fail-A-User will just keep coming...
[13:23] <@RandomRanaun> It just causes other users to not be able to join the channel.
[13:24] <@RandomRanaun> No, he's probably gone now.
[13:24] == Fail-A-User [4630b984@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-sims
[13:24] <@WoganHemlock> We hope.
[13:24] <Fail-A-User> You Fail at being merciful.
[13:24] <Fail-A-User> *!*@
[13:24] == Fail-A-User was kicked from #wikia-sims by WoganHemlock [Fail-A-User]
[13:25] == Fail-A-User [4630b984@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-sims
[13:25] <Fail-A-User> You Fail at recognizing my IP.
[13:25] == mode/#wikia-sims [+b Fail-A-User!*@*] by WoganHemlock
[13:25] <@WoganHemlock> BAN FORCE ACTIVATE.
[13:25] == Fail-A-User [4630b984@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
[13:28] == RandomRanaun_ [] has joined #wikia-sims
[13:28] <MTDM> I'M CONFUSED.
[13:28] <MTDM> :'(
[13:28] <RandomRanaun_> That prick stole my password!
[13:28] <RandomRanaun_> I'M RANDOMRANAUN
[13:28] <+RandomRanaun> NO, I'M RANDOMRANAUN
[13:29] <+RandomRanaun> HAH! Why would I pretend to be you!
[13:29] <+RandomRanaun> Oops.
[13:29] == RandomRanaun [4630b984@wikia/Random-Ranaun] has quit [Client Quit]
[13:29] == RandomRanaun_ has changed nick to RandomRanaun
[13:29] == MTDM [~MTDM@wikia/Mr--Totaldramaman] has joined #wikia-sims
[13:29] == RandomRanaun [] has quit [Changing host]
[13:29] == RandomRanaun [~chatzilla@wikia/Random-Ranaun] has joined #wikia-sims
[13:29] == mode/#wikia-sims [+v RandomRanaun] by ChanServ
[13:29] <MTDM> The one with the cloak is RR.
[13:29] <+RandomRanaun> FINALLY
[13:29] <+RandomRanaun> Wogan, why did you kick me? :/
[13:30]  * WoganHemlock is very very very confused.
Creative Differences
[00:47]	<LiR> RandomRanaun, did I just blow your mind?
[00:47]	<RandomRanaun> No.
[00:47]	<LiR> So, just change the character sheet
[00:47]	<RandomRanaun> Because I am going to write the next chapter.
[00:47]	<RandomRanaun> *My* way.
[00:47]	<WoganHemlock> What is going to happen?
[00:48]	<LiR> RandomRanaun, if you write more people into the family, there is going to be a freak train accident that terribly takes the lives of all of them
[00:48]	<WoganHemlock> DO NOT say Wait and see.
[00:48]	<WoganHemlock> Agreed.
[00:48]	<RandomRanaun> Ooooh.
[00:48]	<RandomRanaun> That would be a great twist LiR!
[00:48]	<WoganHemlock> And don't write me in, 'cause I don't want to be killed by a train accident.
[00:48]	<RandomRanaun> And Bleeh ends up being the last one.
[00:48]	<LiR> Then after the train passes, a pack of ravenous wolves will descend on the bloody remains and eat them to bits
[00:49]	<RandomRanaun> Cool!
[00:49]	<RandomRanaun> What happens to Bleeh though?
[00:49]	<WoganHemlock> And then a dance scene to a 1980's classic.
[00:49]	<LiR> Then the wolves themselves will be hit by another train, just to ensure that those people will NEVER be seen again
[00:49]	<RandomRanaun> >_>
[00:49]	<RandomRanaun> LiR, that's a little far-fetched.
[00:49]	<WoganHemlock> But I like it.
[00:49]	<RandomRanaun> I don't want the chapter to focus on the wolves.
[20:18] <+GeorgieGibbons> the whole of IRC agrees with me
[20:18] <+GeorgieGibbons> [20:07] <Lyrithya> Guys, why is Linux swap so much slower than FreeBSD swap?
[20:18] <+GeorgieGibbons> [20:08] <GeorgieGibbons> because Linux is poor
[20:18] <+GeorgieGibbons> [20:08] <PoopManPoop> ^^
[20:18] <+GeorgieGibbons> [20:09] <e|m|c> ^^^
[20:19] <MTDM> ^^^^
[13:55] <+UnWogan> !8ball Do you want voice?
[13:55] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Do you want voice?": No!
[13:56] <MTDM> !8ball How 'bout op?
[13:56] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "How 'bout op?": No!
[13:56] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "How about being kicked?": Yes
[13:56] <+UnWogan> So he wants to be kicked and opped.
[13:57] == mode/#wikia-sims [+o RuneScript] by UnWogan
[13:57] == RuneScript was kicked from #wikia-sims by UnWogan [he wanted it, for some reason]
[00:10] <+Auror|Away> If TSW was a democratic republic, a_morris would be president.
[00:10] <+Auror|Away> Dharden would be vice president.
[00:10] <+Bleeh> i'd be lady bleeh
[00:10] <+UnWogan> LiR would be the secretary.
[00:10] <+Auror|Away> Bleeh would be first lady
[00:10] <+UnWogan> Dharden is the vice president.
[00:10] <+Bleeh> wut
[00:10] <MTDM> Bleezie would be First La --
[00:11] <+Auror|Away> wait, nevermind.
[00:11] <+Bleeh> but then i'd be married to a morris
[00:14] <+Auror|Away> Bleeh, we flip a coin. If it's tails, your PM, if it's heads, your the new cleaning lady.
[00:14] <+Auror|Away> !coin Bleeh
[00:14] * RuneScript flips a two sided coin. It's tails.
[00:14] <+UnWogan> NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[00:18] <DJKLMNOP> im craving a really good salad for some reason
[00:18] <DJKLMNOP> i think im pregnant
[15:38] == UnWogan changed the topic of #wikia-sims to: こんにちは、ウィキア-シムズを歓迎する。すべてのチャネルルールを遵守してください。なくchanopsがある場合は問題が援助#ウィキア- vstfをで聞いて、発生します。ありがとう!
[15:39] <MTDM> @translate Japanese>English  こんにちは、ウィキア-シムズを歓迎する。すべてのチャネルルールを遵守してください。なくchanopsがある場合は問題が援助#ウィキア- vstfをで聞いて、発生します。ありがとう!
[15:39] <RuneScript> *** [ JA -> EN ]: Translation: Hello, Wikia - welcome to system size. Programmer should comply with the rules for all channels. Case there is no support issues chanops # Wikia - vstf hearing on the causes. Thanks!
[15:39] <MTDM> "SYSTEM SIZE"?
[15:39] <MTDM> O_O
[15:39] <+UnWogan> LOL!
[15:39] <MTDM> xDDDDD
[15:39] <DJKLMNOP> put a topic that people can read!
[00:42] <MTDM> If it's heads, then Bleezies will overuse :<.
[00:43] <MTDM> If it's tails, Bleezies won't overuse :< and I'll be her servant for a week.
[00:43] <MTDM> @coin Bleeh
[00:43] <RuneScript> You're heads, MTDM. Bleeh is tails.
[00:43] * RuneScript flips a two sided coin. It's tails.
[00:43] <MTDM> O_O
[00:43] <MTDM> DDDDDx
[00:43] <Bleeh> awesome
[00:43] <RandomRanaun> xD
[00:44] * MTDM walks up to Bleezies with a suit on.
[19:14] <MTDM> Heads, I'm not your servant anymore.
[19:14] <MTDM> Tails? I'll be your servant for another week.
[19:14] <MTDM> @coin Bleeh
[19:14] <RuneScript> You're heads, MTDM. Bleeh is tails.
[19:14] * RuneScript flips a two sided coin. It's heads.
[19:14] <MTDM> YUS.
[19:14] <MTDM> YUS.
[19:14] <+Bleeh> NOOO
[19:14] <MTDM> YUS.
[19:14] <MTDM> :DDDD
[19:14] <+Bleeh> :<
[19:14] <MTDM> Now I want a servant.
[19:14] <MTDM> Heads? You're my servant for a week.
[19:14] <+Bleeh> D=
[19:14] <MTDM> Tails? I'm your servant for a week.
[19:14] <MTDM> @coin Bleeh
[19:14] <RuneScript> You're heads, MTDM. Bleeh is tails.
[19:14] * RuneScript flips a two sided coin. It's heads.
[19:14] <MTDM> YUS.
[19:14] <MTDM> YUS.
[19:14] <MTDM> YUS.
[19:14] <+Bleeh> ):
[19:14] <MTDM> YUS.
[19:14] <MTDM> :DDDD
[19:15] <MTDM> Double or nothing. :@
[19:15] <MTDM> Heads? You my servant for TWO WEEKS.
[19:15] <MTDM> Tails? No servant-ship.
[19:15] <MTDM> @coin Bleeh
[19:15] <RuneScript> You're heads, MTDM. Bleeh is tails.
[19:15] * RuneScript flips a two sided coin. It's heads.
[19:15] <+Bleeh> NOOO
[19:15] <+Bleeh> :< :< :<
[19:16] <MTDM> Heads, you're my servant for THREE WEEKS.
[19:16] <+Bleeh> noo
[19:16] <+Bleeh> :<
[19:16] <MTDM> Tails? ...I'm your servant for three weeks.
[19:16] <+Bleeh> BE HEADS
[19:16] <MTDM> @coin Bleeh
[19:16] <RuneScript> You're heads, MTDM. Bleeh is tails.
[19:16] * RuneScript flips a two sided coin. It's tails.
[19:16] <MTDM> :-O
[19:16] <+Bleeh> ffs
[19:16] <MTDM> :'(
[19:16] <+Bleeh> I meant tails
[19:16] <+Bleeh> BUT YAY
[21:08] <MTDM> Link meh to irv quotes.
[21:08] <MTDM> *irv
[21:08] <MTDM> **urv
[21:08] <MTDM> ***irv
[21:08] <MTDM> ****urv
[21:08] <MTDM> *****irc
[20:07] <MTDM> Bleezies, if it's heads, I'm your servant for another week.
[20:07] <MTDM> If it's tails, you're my servant for four weeks.
[20:07] <MTDM> :@
[20:07] <+Bleeh> but you already are
[20:07] <+Bleeh> :o
[20:07] <MTDM> Agreed?
[20:07] <+Bleeh> no
[20:07] <+Bleeh> D:
[20:07] <MTDM> D:
[20:07] <MTDM> But you'll get an extra week.
[20:08] <MTDM> 'Cause Alejandro wuvs you.
[20:08] <MTDM> (hacks Alejandro)
[20:08] <+Bleeh> fineee
[20:08] <MTDM> @coin bleeh
[20:08] <RuneScript> You're heads, MTDM. bleeh is tails.
[20:08] * RuneScript flips a two sided coin. It's heads.
[20:08] <+Bleeh> WOOO
[20:08] <MTDM> WHAT.
[13:05] <+UnWogan> If it's a choice between a horde of zombies/vampires and Mortelle singing, i'll take the zombies and vamps.
[20:11] <Andronikos> Let's flip a coin. Heads and UnWogan dies, Tails and vampires ie.
[20:11] <Andronikos> *die
[20:11] <Andronikos> !coin UnWogan
[20:11]  * RuneScript flips a two sided coin. It's heads.
[20:11] <+UnWogan> ...
[20:11] <+UnWogan> That just ain't good.
[20:12] == UnWogan has changed nick to wh|dead
[13:01] * UnWogan (ca7c4adb@wikia/Woganhemlock) Quit ( Quit: /j Greenland is no good. NO GOOD, I SAY! )
[10:32] <+UnWogan> !8ball Do you prefer IRC over Wikia Chat?
[10:32] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Do you prefer IRC over Wikia Chat?": Hell no.
[10:33] <+UnWogan> You are a traitor, RS.
[10:33] * ChanServ sets mode +q *!* for #wikia-sims
[10:33] <+GeorgieGibbons> if you hate IRC, you won't talk here
[10:33] <+GeorgieGibbons> stupid traitor bot
[10:33] * ChanServ sets mode +o UnWogan for #wikia-sims
[10:34] * UnWogan sets mode -q RuneScript!*@* for #wikia-sims
[10:34] <@UnWogan> We need him.
[10:34] <@UnWogan> To ask pointless questions, and whatnot.
[10:34] * ChanServ sets mode -o UnWogan for #wikia-sims
[10:34] --ChanServ-- Unquieted RuneScript on #wikia-sims (1 ban removed).
[10:34] * ChanServ sets mode -q *!* for #wikia-sims
[10:34] <+UnWogan> !8ball Are you on +q?
[10:34] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Are you on +q?": Try Again Later.
[10:34] <+UnWogan> !8ball Are you on +q?
[10:34] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Are you on +q?": Yeah!
[15:46] <Kraps> runescape ey?
[15:47] <+GeorgieGibbons> we're using a RuneScape bot because every other bot that has even been here is either broken or used to troll
[15:47] <MTDM> Linkitaaaa. :'(
[15:48] <+GeorgieGibbons> why did LiR have to kill unilinky?
[15:48] <+GeorgieGibbons> just...why?
[15:48] <+GeorgieGibbons> :(
[15:49] <MTDM> IKR.
[15:49] <MTDM> :'(
[15:49] <MTDM> I was at her death.
[15:49] <MTDM> :'(
[15:49] <+GeorgieGibbons> [22:18] * unilinky was kicked by LiR|Laundry ( Reason (unilinky)
[15:49] <+GeorgieGibbons> I say we set up an anti-LiR party
[15:49] <+GeorgieGibbons> who will join me?
[15:50] <MTDM> ANTI-LIR. ^^
[21:09] <+Auror|NewVegas> Oooh, back to New Vegas.
[21:09] <+GeorgieGibbons> I can tell that Auror loves NV
[21:09] <tailsthefox> awwwww
[21:09] * Auror|NewVegas (~Asorailah@wikia/Auror-Andrachome) Quit (  )
[21:09] <+GeorgieGibbons> lol
[10:18] <+UnWogan> !8ball Does Georgie's connection suck?
[10:18] <[TH]RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Does Georgie's connection suck?": Anything could happen.
[10:18] <+UnWogan> !8ball Are you going to give me a solid answer?
[10:18] <[TH]RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Are you going to give me a solid answer?": There is a good chance.
[10:18] <+UnWogan> -sigh-
[10:18] <+GeorgieGibbons> !8ball does my connection rule?
[10:18] <[TH]RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "does my connection rule?": Are you crazy?!
[19:20] <+GuiGuerreiro> !8ball would you marry someone and keep Bleeh as a secret lover?
[19:20] <+[TH]RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "would you marry someone and keep Bleeh as a secret lover?": Definitely.
[19:20] <+GuiGuerreiro> OMG!
[19:21] <+GuiGuerreiro> Cheating is not a good way 8ball!
[19:21] <+UnWogan> Haha, we all knew he had a dark secret.
[19:21] <+GuiGuerreiro> !8ball would you dump your spouse for Bleeh?
[19:21] <+[TH]RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "would you dump your spouse for Bleeh?": Yes
[19:21] <+GuiGuerreiro> Oh no!
[19:21] <+UnWogan> 8ball, you are digging yourself into a hole...
[19:21] <+GeorgieGibbons> !8ball shut up
[19:21] <+[TH]RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "shut up": There is a good chance.
[10:32] <+GuiGuerreiro> !8ball has ever Bleeh rejected your proposal?
[10:32] <+[TH]RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "has ever Bleeh rejected your proposal?": Undoubtedly so.
[10:32] <+GuiGuerreiro> OMG!
[10:32] <+GuiGuerreiro> He loves her but keeps getting rejected?
[10:32] <+GuiGuerreiro> !
[10:45] <+GuiGuerreiro> !8ball are you with Bleeh at the moment?
[10:45] <+[TH]RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "are you with Bleeh at the moment?": It seems possible.
[10:47] <+GuiGuerreiro> !8ball are you killing Bleeh?
[10:47] <+[TH]RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "are you killing Bleeh?": Maybe..
[10:47] <+GuiGuerreiro> !8ball but don't you love her :O!!!
[10:47] <+[TH]RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "but don't you love her :O!!!": Yeah!
[10:47] <+GuiGuerreiro> 8ball must be crazy...
[10:49] <+GuiGuerreiro> !8ball don't you need treatment?
[10:49] <+[TH]RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "don't you need treatment?": Yes
[21:45] <+RandomRanaun> Tomb Raider also has RPG elements. :p
[21:45] <+RandomRanaun> Tomb Raider FTW!!!!
[21:46] <+RandomRanaun> Who would be the best voice actress for Lara Croft?
[21:46] <+GeorgieGibbons> idk
[21:47] <+RandomRanaun> Also, the new Tomb Raider game is being made by Square Enix. :DD
[21:48] <+Auror|TS3> ...
[21:48] <+Auror|TS3> oh my god..
[21:48] <+Auror|TS3> NO
[21:48] <+Auror|TS3> NO
[21:48] <+Auror|TS3> NO
[21:55] <MTDM> I have a good poem.
[21:55] <MTDM> Bleezies, oh Bleezies.
[21:55] <MTDM> I love cookies. Don't you? WEWT.
[21:55] <+RandomRanaun> xD
[21:56] <+RandomRanaun> I got a better one.
[21:56] <+RandomRanaun> :p
[21:56] <+RandomRanaun> Bleezies, oh Bleezies,
[21:56] <MTDM> Love ya', Bleezies, gurl!!
[21:56] <MTDM> ^^;
[21:56] <0MTDM> ONG.
[21:56] <MTDM> OMG*
[21:56] <+RandomRanaun> Whenever it's breezies
[21:56] <MTDM> AREARE.
[21:56] <MTDM> I WASN'T DONE.
[21:56] <+RandomRanaun> I always seesies
[21:56] <MTDM> IT WAS A HAIKU.
[21:56] <MTDM> :@
[13:44] <+RandomRanaun> !8ball Are you holding Bleeh captive?
[13:44] <[TH]RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Are you holding Bleeh captive?": Yeah!
[13:45] <+RandomRanaun> !8ball Are you going to kill her?
[13:45] <[TH]RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Are you going to kill her?": There is a good chance.
[13:45] <+RandomRanaun> !8ball Is it because Bleeh was mean to you?
[13:45] <[TH]RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Is it because Bleeh was mean to you?": Probably.
[13:45] <+UnWogan> You should be scared, Bleeh...
[13:45] <+UnWogan> Very scared...
[14:00] == LiR has changed nick to Melvin
[14:00]  * Melvin is peeking out
[14:00]  * Melvin disappears
[14:00]  * Melvin peeks out again
[14:00]  * Melvin disappears
[16:58] <+FlowerGui> !8ball do you wish LiR a happy birthday?
[16:58] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "do you wish LiR a happy birthday?": Are you crazy?!
[16:59] <+FlowerGui> Oh no! You dislike LiR!
[17:00] <+FlowerGui> !8ball do you hate LiR?
[17:00] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "do you hate LiR?": Undoubtedly so.
[09:52]	<+UnWogan> =========LET'S PLAY A GAME!=======
[09:52]	<+UnWogan> Describe wikians in a word.
[09:55]	<+UnWogan> Random Ranaun
[09:55]	<+GeorgieGibbons> obsessed_with_voice_actresses
[09:56]	<+RandomRanaun>	Grey DeLisle
[09:56]	<+UnWogan> FAIL.
[09:56]	<+RandomRanaun>	Tara Strong
[09:56]	<+UnWogan> FAIL.
[09:56]	<+RandomRanaun>	Kath Soucie
[09:56]	<+UnWogan> FAIL.
[09:56]	<+RandomRanaun>	Tress MacNeille
[09:56]	<+UnWogan> FAIL.
[09:57]	<+RandomRanaun>	Cree Summer
[09:57]	<+UnWogan> FAIL.
[09:57]	<+RandomRanaun>	Tom Kenny
[09:57]	<+UnWogan> FAIL.
[09:57]	<+RandomRanaun>	John DiMaggio
[09:57]	<+UnWogan> FAIL.
[09:57]	<+RandomRanaun>	Lauren Tom
[09:57]	<+UnWogan> FAIL.
[09:57]	<+RandomRanaun>	Billy West
[09:57]	<+UnWogan> FAIL.
[09:57]	<+RandomRanaun>	Frank Welker
[09:57]	<+UnWogan FAIL.
[09:57]	=-=	RandomRanaun was booted from #wikia-sims by GeorgieGibbons (RandomRanaun <+UnWogan> FAIL.)
[22:00] <MTDM> Bleeh: From this moment forward, your username will now be pronounced as "Blee."
[22:00] <MTDM> Thank you.
[22:00] <Bleeh> noo!!!!
[22:00] <Bleeh> it's bleh. :x
[22:00] <Bleeh> like what the vampires in TS2 say :3
[22:01] <Bleeh> never.
[22:02] <Soar|CS> ... but aren't you Bleeh's servant, and not the other way around? O.o
[22:02] <MTDM> If it's tails, I'm your servant for another four weeks.
[22:02] <MTDM> Plus six days, if you count this servant-ship.
[22:02] <MTDM> Heads, you be my servant for a week.
[22:02] <MTDM> Deal? :)
[22:02] <Bleeh> okay.
[22:03] <MTDM> !coin Bleeh
[22:03] * RuneScript flips a two sided coin. It's tails.
[22:03] <MTDM> Haw.
[22:03] <MTDM> Wait.
[22:03] <MTDM> Fail.
[22:03] <Bleeh> YYA
[22:03] <Bleeh> YAY *
[22:26] <MTDM> Oh. Did anyone hear I'm Bleeh's servant for another four weeks? -_-
[22:26] <+GeorgieGibbons> HAHA
[22:26] <MTDM> RuneScript <3s Bleeh.
[22:26] <+GeorgieGibbons> !8ball is this true?
[22:26] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "is this true?": Of course not.
[23:46]	<+RandomRanaun> Soar, I can't find your userpage. :/
[23:47]	<Soar|CS> o.o
[23:47]	<Soar|CS>
[23:49]	<+RandomRanaun> Oh. duh xD
[23:49]	<+RandomRanaun> :O
[23:49]	<+RandomRanaun> You're a GIRL!?!?!
[23:49]	<Soar|CS> LMAO
[23:49]	<+RandomRanaun> xD
[23:49]	<Soar|CS> I know I get people all the time, but I never expected I'd fool anyone here
[23:50]	<Soar|CS> what name did you try to use btw? When searching? XD
[23:50]	<+RandomRanaun> User:Soar :p
[23:50]	<Soar|CS> lol silly RR
[23:52]	<Soar|CS> yet... you've seen my new signature? XD
[23:56]	<+RandomRanaun>	xD
[20:15] <hurr_durr> What ISP are you on?
[20:15]	<+GeorgieGibbons> all TV sucks
[20:15]	<+GeorgieGibbons> and hurr, I'm on Three
[20:15]	<+RandomRanaun> grrr
[20:15]	<hurr_durr> Well isn't that a coincidence? I work for Three
[20:16]	<hurr_durr> We're capping someone
[20:16]	<Soar|CS> I bet you you're capping GG
[20:16]	<Soar|CS> XDDDDD
[20:16]	<Soar|CS> I wouldn't be surprised
[20:16]	* GeorgieGibbons did download 25GB today :S
[20:16]	<+GeorgieGibbons> oh sh-...
[20:16]	<Soar|CS> LMAO
[20:16]	<hurr_durr> It was you?
[20:16]	<Soar|CS> XDDDDD
[20:16]	<+GeorgieGibbons> it wasn't me
[20:16]	<Soar|CS> this world just got reaaaaaally small
[20:16]	<+GeorgieGibbons> it was Steam
[20:16]	<+GeorgieGibbons> cap Valve
[20:16]	<+GeorgieGibbons> not me
[20:17]	<Soar|CS> XDDD
[20:17]	<hurr_durr> Well your IP doesn't show
[20:17]	<+GeorgieGibbons> yeah, I'm cloaked
[20:17]	<hurr_durr> Well that's just too bad
[20:18]	<hurr_durr> We won't know if it was you
[20:18]	<+GeorgieGibbons> good luck bro :)
[20:23] <+GeorgieGibbons> where is RandomRanaun?
[20:23] <Ariana_x_MTDM> In my closet.
[20:24] <Ariana_x_MTDM> loljk.
[20:24] <Ariana_x_MTDM> :|
[20:24] <Ariana_x_MTDM> ...
[20:24] <Ariana_x_MTDM> :|
[20:24] <Ariana_x_MTDM> ._.
[20:24] <Ariana_x_MTDM> o.o
[20:24] <SoaringDragon> XD
[20:25] * Ariana_x_MTDM thinks that'll be on IRC quotes and then RR will kill me. :'(
[20:27] * GeorgieGibbons won't add it
[20:28] <Ariana_x_MTDM> Naw. I wanted RR to kill me.
[20:28] * GeorgieGibbons adds it anyway
[18:58] <+GeorgieGibbons> omg, Bob's fanon is going to win many awards
[18:58] <+GeorgieGibbons> I must compete
[18:58] <+BobTheZ> lol.
[18:58] <+FlowerGui> xd
[18:58] <+FlowerGui> *XD
[18:58] <+GeorgieGibbons> I will create Night of the Living Servo
[17:59] <+DumbFlower> !8ball do you think I am dumb?
[17:59] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "do you think I am dumb?": Of course!
[17:59] <+DumbFlower> Oooh
[17:59] <+DumbFlower> That's harsh :'(
[17:59] <Ariana_x_MTDM> Haw.
[17:59] <Ariana_x_MTDM> !8ball Will you say sorry to Gui?
[17:59] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Will you say sorry to Gui?": Are you crazy?!
[18:00] <+DumbFlower> :'(
[18:00] <Ariana_x_MTDM> Haw. @Gui
[18:00] <Ariana_x_MTDM> !8ball No, I'm not. Are you?
[18:00] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "No, I'm not. Are you?": Maybe..
[18:00] <Ariana_x_MTDM> Haw.
[18:00] <+DumbFlower> !8ball you said you love me but do you think I will love you if you say those things >:(?
[18:00] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "you said you love me but do you think I will love you if you say those things >:(?": Yes
[18:01] <+DumbFlower> Then you're the one who's dumb.
[18:01] <+DumbFlower> !
[18:01]  * DumbFlower slalps Runey
[18:01] <Ariana_x_MTDM> Hawhawhaw.
[18:01] <Ariana_x_MTDM> Someone put this on IRC Quotes. :3
[18:01] <+DumbFlower> !8ball do you feel good after I slapped you?
[18:01] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "do you feel good after I slapped you?": Of course!
[18:02] <+DumbFlower> OMG
[18:02] <+DumbFlower> !8ball will you love me more if I beat you?
[18:02] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "will you love me more if I beat you?": Probably.
[18:02]  * DumbFlower beats Runey to death
[18:02] <Ariana_x_MTDM> !8ball Ow?
[18:02] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Ow?": Try Again Later.
[18:02] <+BobTheZ>
[18:02] <Ariana_x_MTDM> !8ball Ow?
[18:02] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Ow?": Undoubtedly so
[21:02] <Andronikos> !8ball Do you think I am a genious?
[21:02] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Do you think I am a genious?": How should I know?
[21:02] <Andronikos> !8ball Are you dump?
[21:02] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Are you dump?": Of course!
[21:02] <Andronikos> See!
[21:02] <Andronikos> !8ball Do you want to die?
[21:02] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Do you want to die?": Are you crazy?!
[21:02] <Andronikos> !8ball Do you want me to kill you?
[21:02] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Do you want me to kill you?": How should I know?
[21:03] <Andronikos> !8ball Are you kidding me?
[21:03] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Are you kidding me?": Undoubtedly so.
[13:02] <DanPin> !8ball Are you smart?
[13:02] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Are you smart?": Yeah!
[13:02] <DanPin> !8ball Are you lying?
[13:02] <RuneScript> *** [ 8 BALL ]: The magic 8 ball says in response to "Are you lying?": No!