Unborn baby Patel

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The Sims 2: Apartment Life

Unborn baby Patel
Age Unborn
Life state Sim
Family/Families Patel family
Parents Ramir Patel, Ana Patel
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Other information
Game The Sims 2: Apartment Life
Neighborhood Belladonna Cove

The Unborn Baby Patel is the unborn baby of Ana and Ramir Patel, who lives in Belladonna Cove from The Sims 2: Apartment Life. Ana is pregnant and expecting a baby when the family is first played.

Most of the time it will be a single baby, but it can be twins. The baby can be either a girl or a boy, similar to most unborn babies. The baby will always be born with black hair and brown eyes, since both the parents have these hair and eye colors.

It is unknown if Unborn baby Patel has any relation to Zoe Patel from Oasis Springs.

The Patel family
Ramir ~ Ana ~ Unborn Baby ~ Karan ~ Keesa ~ Gidia ~ Priya

fr:Bébé à naître Patelle