Unborn baby Grantham

Unborn baby Grantham
Age Unborn
Life state Sim
Family/Families Grantham family
Parents Gavin Grantham, Alice Grantham
Siblings Sophie Grantham Sister, Katherine Grantham Sister
Other information
Game The Sims 3 Store
Playability Unborn
World Sunlit Tides

Unborn baby Grantham is the third child of Alice Grantham and Gavin from Sunlit Tides. It is hinted that the father really wishes the baby to be a boy, having two girls already, he has managed to persuade his wife to try one last time. However, if left alone, the baby has an equal chance of being born a girl or a boy.

When the game starts, Alice is not aware that she is pregnant.

pt-br:Bebê por nascer Grantham