User:A.P. Freeman/Chapter 3 of The 3 Brothers

This is Chapter 3! Enjoy!

Chapter 3 Edit


At the beginning of Chapter 3 Ronald decided to cook something. That didn't end well.....


Ronald made things worse and started a fire! I hate this sim........


After the fire ended Ronald decided to just make a salad.


Here Ronald and Gerald decided to spend quality time with each other, mainly there daily relationship was -2.


Here Gerald's pregnancy is starting to show.........


Gerald gets even BIGGER! :)


Finally! May I introduce Stella Cooke!


Gerald is congratulating himself for giving birth!


Yay! After 2 days Stella ages into.......a toddler?


This is a regular family morning. Here is Gordan,Gerald, and Ronald plus Little Stella!

This is where Chapter 3 comes to an end. Posted on Feburary 19, 2010.