User:A.P. Freeman/The three brothers

This page is about The Life of Three bros. They are Ronald, Gordan, and Gerald and their life in Riverblossom Hills.

Chapter 1 Edit

If you want to read Chapter 1, go here.

Chapter 2 Edit

If you want to read Chapter 2, go here.

Chapter 3 Edit

If you want to read Chapter 3, go here.

Chapter 4 Edit

If you want to read Chapter 4, go here.

Chapter 5 Edit


At the beginning of Chapter 5 Ronald got aspiration failure and pulled out a soccer ball! LOLZ!


Time passes by quickly. Here Gordan aged into an elder.


Then Gerald aged into an elder.


Gordan is wondering where the days have gone...also this townie dude moved in as he was a family friend. His name is Jeoy Cardinaz.


Here Ronald has aged up into an elder!


Ronald knew that his best years were gone. He knew that he had to make up for all that time wasted on his career. He had to stand up. He knew what he had to do.


Afterwards, Ronald moved out to finish what needed to be done. His brothers said goodbye and he left.


Joey has also recently gotten a job in the medical career track. He helps ease the pain of Ronald moving out. :)


YAY! Julian grew up well! He aged into an odd child with no nose....


Sadly Gordan believes the same thing Ronald does and moves out. :(

This is the end of Chapter 5. Posted on Feburary 21, 2010

Chapter 6 Edit


At the beginning of Chapter 6 Gerald throws a party buts its suckish. He invited close friends and Gordan. Ronald didn't show up.


Here Gerald is coming back from his first day at his new job. He also brought home Carlotta Greenman (daughter of Jason Greenman and Rose Greenman).


Here Jeoy tries to increase his job preformance in the Medical Career.


Julian, being the sloppy sim he is decides to go into the trash can. Thats not weird at all.......


Here, the entire family decides to watch T.V. but, Stella couldn't find any more room. Need to buy more chairs in the future!


Another family dinner, plus Jeoy brought a friend from work named Sandy Caper. Weird name.........


YAY! Julian aged into a teenager in the bathroom! He finally grew into his nose!!!


This is a quick look of the Cooke Home.


The family (minus Jeoy) has come back from a downtown trip.


Here Gerald met Jack Martin (Son of recently divorced Sandra Roth and Jason Martin). They started to flirt but I decided to put a stop to that. We'll try that expirament later but not now.


Stella decides to get a teenage love as she is only a few days away from Young Adult.


Unfortunatley, no guy wants to dance with her so she eventually gives up and goes home.


When Stella turned that certain age she filled out a college application for La Fiesta Tech.


Stella was accepted and got 3 scholarships! She left and her family (plus Jeoy) says goodbye to her.

This is the end for Chapter 6. Chapter 7 should be up in a few days. Posted on Feburary 23, 2010.

Chapter 7 Edit


The house is starting to get a little desolate. Here Jeoy has just come home from work and brought home a friend named Asner Wilbie. Julian is having dinner with them.


Here Julina is going to bed feeling lonely. To tell the truth he is an outcast. He has several friends which are either adults or family. Most of his family had moved out (Ronald, Stella, Gordan). All he had was Jeoy and Gerald.


On the other side of the room Jeoy is feeling happy as he goes to bed. He has many friends, a great job. What more could he ask for? A wife perhaps?


Jeoy is happy because He has just recieved a raise for $5000!


Jeoy decided he wanted to meet aliens too! Actually no more pollinating because there is a glitch where your needs drop so low you die while being abducted.


Julian decided to go on an outing to get girls. He wasn't successfull but he did manage to get a ride with this.


Here Gerald thinks about his long life. He wonders if his life would've been different if he actually married someone and had a regular kid. Gerald had to think about his life.


Though Gerald didn't have much time to think. So he decided to drink the elixir of life to get some life back.


Gerald than made sure that his son Julian was feeling good about life.


He decided to go on an outing and feel good about himself.


Julian decided it was that time for college. Jeoy and Gerald said goodbye to him and he was off for La Fiesta Tech!


BTW, Jeoy's got a new hobby of Tinkering. We'll see what that leads to later.


Gerald also let his BFF Jason Author move in and Jeoy looked on jealously.

This is the end of Chapter 7. Chapter 8 should be posted soon. Posted on Feburary 25, 2010.