Hello my fellow Sims and Urbz fans! I was introduced to the Sims about five years ago I believe, with the first The Sims game. I have been a huge fan ever since, and progressed to The Sims Bustin' Out, The Urbz: Sims in The City (my favorite), The Sims 2, the Sims Castaway and the Sims 3! Although the characters cannot really express how they feel about another in words, I love to make up for that by simply adding stories behind the characters in the game, and how they feel about another or what they like, especially with the goths from Central Station in The Urbz: Sims in the city. When I'm alone, I spend my time playing the Sims, and I really hope that another sims game comes out for xbox 360!!

Audz 18:32, October 12, 2010 (UTC)Audi the Sims Freak