Holahh! Edit

The name's Sofia, but my friends calls me Fia xD

You may not think I'm random but I'm random salad.

I'm not very old... but I'm not a tiny ball of nothingness either. I'm short for my age d: So yeah. Long live Violet Jocque {her face randomly turned green. I don't know why. It's unnerving.}

Sims 2 love... Edit

I have The Sims 2, The Sims 2 Apartment Life EP, The Sims 2 Freetime EP && The Sims 2 Nightlife EP ;] I've had the Sims 2 for like three years now, I <3 it and I wouldn't EVERR get The Sims 3 to replace m

y lovely old game. x I'm finding it veerrryyy hard to play the game without using cheats which is really bugging me and I think modthesims.info is freaking awesome. Custom content rules.

Yay d: Edit

Okay, let's talk about the best word ever invented {YAY!} and it's relations to The Sims 2.

  1. Whenever Don Lothario gets caught cheating {Mehhh, I hate that sim} I shout YAY!
  2. Whenever my children && teens get A+'s, I shout YAY!
  3. Whenever my young adults get on Dean's List, I shout YAY!
  4. Whenever I find some more awesometingsome CC on modthesims, I shout YAY!

I think YAY is stalking me. Or maybe I'm just a freakishly hyperactive person.

Faves <3 Edit

  1. Bella Goth
  2. The Sims 2
  3. Cassandra Goth/Player stories
  4. Is Olive Specter a murderer?