I won The Sims 3 Release Countdown caption contest with "AHHH!!! Whats on the ground???"

Yo people!!! I'm limeabean. My name nickname is limeabean because my fav. color is lime green, so my bf's call me limeabean!!! My other nickname is Santa, But thats another story. I LOVE sims and I orderd The Sims 3 collecters edition back in January, befor they moved the date. On sims 3.com I am Lunastar. I am working on the exchamge right now I hope to submit , my latest creations june 16. I love to write and I am involved in lots of other wikis so I know I good wiki when I see one. This wiki is fab. The only down side to my writeing is I don't always have good grammar, and I spell HORIBLE!!! Any way ROCK ON PEEPS!!!