Stuff about me Edit

Hello there, I'm SimFã B., and im just another normal simmer. I've known the Sims since... about 2007 when a friend of mine invited me to his house. While I was there, he showed me this one game, The Sims. Of course I, partly because at the time I wanted to be an architect when I grew old, was fascinated and eventually bought it. However, since at the time The Sims 2 was already a thing, there weren't any expansions available and so I ended up getting sick of it. Circa 2009, i get my hands on The Sims 2 Deluxe and with time a few expansions. Eventually I became aware of The Sims 3, and c.2012, I bought the base game, and by the time The Sims 4, only one stuff pack was missing.

My Sims Games: Edit