User blog:Beds/'Leave of Absence'

Couldn't think of a better title for this blog...

Hi there, fellow Wikians.

You may have noticed that I have been quite inactive recently, on the wiki. The truth is, I am going through the magical world called depression and this has been having effects on every little thing in my life.

My point is, I've decided to take a 'leave of absence', if it is called that. This means I wish for my rights to be revoked. I do not know if I will ever come back to the wiki, but if I don't, then I just wanted to thank you all for supporting me through everything. I'm a little sad to be leaving, but I feel this is a good idea as I can focus on getting back to the normal, happy Beds (however, that is a longshot.)

I just want you all to know; this is a community. Everyone ends up leaving in the long run; do not look at the bad times that user may have caused, you should focus on the happy times with that user and keep them in mind as you never know, they might just come back.

Thank you for being apart of my internet life for the past eleven months.

Beds (parlare - da leggere) 13:56, January 8, 2014 (UTC)