User blog:Beds/A pointless blog with a point.

Hey there guys, instead of me rambling on in the intro, I'm just going to get into the whole point of this pointless blog with a point.

I joined this wiki 5 months ago (February 13th) and I've achieved quite a lot. I am close to 3000 edits (2,926 I think), I had a successful rollback nomination approved, an unsuccessful administrator request (not really an achievement, but I learned some things about myself through this request) and finally, I was given a second chance. I feel quite proud in what I have achieved in such a short period of time, yet I believe this may be why I have been having some negative thoughts lately.

Yeah, you read right... I've been feeling negative about myself and actions that I have made on the wiki. So negative, that I have had the thought of retiring from the wiki enter and leave my mind. It's just... I have not thought through what I said, so bear with... I'm not excited about the wiki as I used to be, when I first joined, and basically when I used to edit a mass amount of articles a day. I'm still devoted to the wiki, you know, but I just don't really get excited about it anymore... Yeah, that sounds bad. I may edit that out. Probably. I don't know. No, I won't.

As for retirement, I just don't know yet. I haven't made my mind up yet and I still feel that I haven't proved myself to be a good Administrator yet. I just don't know yet.

Okay, I can't really think of anything else to say. Just going to clear this up; I'm not retiring yet, but I still haven't made up my mind. Oh... I also just wanted to inform you all too... just in case... you know.

Beds (parlare - da leggere) 14:56, July 24, 2013 (UTC)