User blog:Beds/Something to share.

Hey everyone! I'm not one who is known for her introductions so I'll just get straight to the point!

I've been looking through the userboxes that are available on this wiki and I thought that I would try making one of my own. So I've been thinking about it and I think a userbox showcasing a different type of relationship will be quite cool. Okay, I just realised how horrible that sounded. What I mean is, a userbox for users who are in an LGBT relationship. So I've been working on this for quite a while and thinking about how it will turn out but hopefully, it will turn out like this;

This user is in an LGBT relationship.

And, I already know that there's a userbox for people who are allied or a member of the LGBT community but I thought that it would be a good idea to have one. Because, I for one, would like this userbox for users who are either lesbian, gay or bisexual. I was going to say it would bring us together as a community but that would have nothing to do with this topic... And being in an LGBT relationship myself, I would prefer this than the ones this wiki already has. 

Anyway, let me know what you think in the comments. And if you think it could be improved (I really don't like the image but it's the best I could find) or whatever then let me know!

HanaGoth96 (Neigh...?) 18:18, April 17, 2013 (UTC)