User blog:WikiBuilder1147/The Sim's Pen - 31 Oct 2014

The Sim's Pen
The Sim's Pen
Issue IX

31 Oct 2014

The Sim's Pen Edit

G'day, ladies and gents. Tim here, and welcome back to The Sim's Pen, The Sims Wiki's 'weekly' fanon section newspaper! Apologies that there hasn't been another issue in 2 weeks. But since it's Halloween, we might as well do it now!

Fanon News Edit

Happy Halloween!

Happy trick-or-treating! Lollies for everyone! Yay! Woo! Om-nom-nom-nom...

Fanon Battle 21

The twenty-first Fanon Battle has now begun! Until he reached adulthood, Stacen was the most unpopular guy you could find. Whoever thought he'd be lucky enough to marry the kind-hearted widow Brandi Broke? (Prior to his days in prison, Kingston had a great time robbing banks, terrorizing residents, breaking hearts and experimenting with aspiration and career rewards.) Which of these two Sims do you prefer? (Check these Sims' respective fanon pages for more information.) Hurry, you only have until November 8 to vote!

Must-Reads! Edit

We don't have any must-reads for this week. Sorry. Perhaps create some fan fiction and have it featured some time in the future!

Poll Edit

It's Movember! What will you do?
Please vote below.
There were 0 votes since the poll was created on 20:42, 19 January 2020.
poll-id FE53654BDDE0B50E03A15FAF380D6CA0

If you don't know what Movember is, check out this page!

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for next week's edition of The Sim's Pen! ―The Tim Man (Infinite HistoriesGalactic CruciblesThe Sims WikiHallows MaleficentWhy I'm here in the first place) 05:33, October 13, 2014 (UTC)

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