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'''Zelda Mae''' is a pre-made playable [[Sim]] residing in [[Sunset Valley]]. She is [[Parker Langerak|Parker]] and [[Kaylynn Langerak]]'s aunt. She lives in Sunset Valley with her sister, [[Iliana Langerak]], and her family. She is much more immature than her sister, and it seems that she may be dependent on her for the house and food. She is good friends with her brother-in-law [[Dustin Langerak|Dustin]] and friends with her sister.
Her favorite music is Indie, her favorite food is peanut butter and jelly, her favorite color is pink, and she enjoys gardening and is said to be obsessed with plants. Her hair is pale blonde, but her roots and eyebrows are brown, implying that she dyes it. She starts with four points in [[Gardening (The Sims 3)|gardening]] and three in [[GuitarInstrument skill|guitar]]. When first played, Zelda is 6 days from being an [[Adultadult]].
By the time of ''[[The Sims 2]]'', she is most likely deceased. She longs to become a Rockrock Starstar, although she does not have the [[Virtuosovirtuoso]] trait. She moved in the family with her plants, supported by her [[Greengreen Thumbthumb]] trait. She can be quite [[Childish (The Sims 3)|childish]], as she has this trait. She also possesses the [[Easilyeasily Impressedimpressed]] trait and the [[Partyparty Animalanimal]] traittraits.
Her niece's biography says that Kaylynn is neat, unlike her father, brother and aunt. However, Zelda does not have the [[Slob (The Sims 3)|slob]] [[Trait (The Sims 3)|trait]].
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