Autonomous reaction: Difference between revisions

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(a picture of an autonomous reaction)
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[[Image:Snapshot_2dd72caf_b2f8a3a8.jpg |thumb|right|A parent sim reacting to the child's report card is an example of an autonomous reaction]]
An autonomous reaction is one which a sim does that isn't player defined. These can be reactions to the environment, for example, a smelly rubbish bin, an unusual event, for example, a sim dying, a bad memory, a missing object or simply someting for a sim to do if you heven't told them to do anything- providing free will is on. This adds an extra dimension to the game, making the sims unpredictable and somewhat free from complete player domination- however with most actions a sim will terminate the action if either the player tells them to do so or the player tells them to do something else.
=== Memory reactions===
If a sim suffers from a bad memory often that sim will spend a few days randomly stopping actions they decided or were told to do and crying or sighing while thinking about the memory. There is nothing in-game the player can do about this.
=== Event reactions===
[[Image:Thumbnail_cdae9d39_d2e0aa01.jpg |thumb|right|A dog mourns his owner- another autonomous action]]
These include reactions to fire and birthdays, weddings, deaths ect. When such an event takes place all the sims on the lot are called to the place where the event is taking place. With the exeption of fire (but only because the action pops up again immideatly after- most annoying) all these actions can be cancelled.
Even if a sim does not witness an event such as dying, they will still react to in when they return from where they are or you visit there lot ect.
=== Environment reactions===
=== How free will works===
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