Bella Goth/theories

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Theories about the most well known and most mysterious Sim in the whole SimNation: Bella Goth.


  • I just think that the creators of The Sims wanted to add a little mystery to the game or to make a shocking twist to add excitement, so they came up with the Bella Goth story and chose her because the Goths are a well-known and wealthy family. I also think the easter eggs are there for the same reasons. So yeah, I'm not big on conspiracy theories.
  • I think that Don and Nina made a plan to break up the Goths, have Nina marry Mortimer and Don marry Cassandra, then take all of their money and leave. Nina, however, already made a plan with Dina to betray Don, as they wanted all the money for themselves and called PT7 to abduct Don and since Bella was there as a witness, her too, so they could wipe her memory. Things went wrong, however, when they accidentally wiped Bella's whole memory instead of her memory of the alien abduction alone. With Bella's memory gone and everyone in Pleasantview believing she was missing, the aliens slightly changed Bella's appearance, so she would be harder to recognise and dumped her in strangetown, then tried to do the same with Don, with the help of Cassandra (who is Nina's aunt, so part alien, too) as the three of them all had planned on splitting up Bella and Mortimer in an attempt to get their money. However, wiping Don's memory didn't work, so they sent him back in time and laughed at him for losing. Now this part is just speculation, but Don might do something in the sims 3 that changes history and stops everything that happened to Bella for ever happening.
  • I believe that Bella was cloned after the alien abduction because they liked her that much, therefore creating the fake Bella who now resides in strangetown. Obviously, you can tell they aren't the same because they look slightly different. The aliens didn't clone her to be 100% accurate. Now most Sims, after they're abducted by aliens, come back. But, I believe the spaceship crashed because near the Beaker house, you can see the messed up spaceship. So, she was murdered! But, I can't really tell because in Strangetown, Bella can be seen in the hot air balloon with a man wearing a blue shirt. It's really weird. She's also featured on a milk carton but people don't think it's her because of the hair color. It doesn't matter, you can't see it clearly.
  • Ok, I just think that Maxis created Bella, but accidentally deleted her, so they just made up the alien abduction story to cover it up.
  • Okay..I haven't figured out all of it- but heres what I think: Don and Nina must've had some plan figured out to take the Goth's money- by splitting up the family. Nina would take Mortimer who was basically almost dead therefore; she would inherit a great fortune to share with Don. To do this, they needed to get Bella out of the way, this is Don's part of the job. He needed to "woo" her and invite her over. He clearly failed trying to make out. Once she came around, he needed to get her abducted by aliens, this was easy thanks to the Caliente's relatives. Obviously the aliens needed to wipe her memory, as if she could remember it all- they would be exposed and the plan would be screwed. The aliens clearly had a crash landing in Strangetown- which explains that randthumb|left|300px|Missing Sims ~ The Bella Goth Story by melpeanut1om Bella walking around and the crash site.
  • First of all, Bella did not marry Mortimer for his money. If you've played TS1, you know that he is only a test subject, and earns about §150 a day and Bella had already married him. I believe that she was abducted by aliens on Don's deck, and when she was supposed to return, the spaceship crashed. (If you visit Strangetown, you can see a wrecked spaceship, close to the Beaker house). I also think that the Strangetown Bella is real, but the aliens were doing some sort of experiment on her, and somehow managed to erase her memory. Bella's facial structure has changed too, and there might have been more people on the everyone got the same facial structure and that's when the Hula Zombies came in. And that's kinda my theory.
  • I think Don was in touch with aliens through Dina and Nina. When Don tried to kiss Bella, he knew she would call Cassandra and tell her about it. He got Nina to get aliens to abduct her, but not without losing her as a love interest for he had to explain. He threatened her not to tell dina, so she moved to Barnacle Bay with her sister after a while. Cassandra and Mortimer came to look for Bella right as the spaceship got her, while Don was alseep. Nina would not remember for she was not there, she forgot all about it.

  • Out of nowhere, a Sim will stop what they are doing and start to leave their lot. If you check their actions it says 'Leave this world.' When they leave they don't return. Their picture remains in the family tree and the Sims who knew them will still retain a relationship with them. I think she left, EA games didn't try to get her back. They just left her picture and changed Mortimer, Cassandra and Alexander's memories to say she was abducted. Usually when Sims leave, other Sims in the household receive calls from them but never see them.

  • I found out recently that in Apartment Life, if Mortimer has died during your game, Bella will turn up to leave Alex off. As she's leaving him off, she is the real Bella. Now which Bella, the one found in Strangetown or the one found through hacks and mods in Pleasantview do you think looks more like the Bella at Alex's uni?
    File:Bella mystery.jpg
    I reckon it's the Pleasantview Bella, the one with Alex has a long, more pointed nose similiar to the Pleasantview one, which I think proves that the creaters accidentally deleted her and created the Strangetown one and the abduction as a cover up, its a very interesting story.

  • It's very weird, when I was playing The Sims 3, I wasn't playing with the Bachelors/Goths and they autonomously got married and gave birth to a baby named Alexandria. Although she's a girl, she still has a similar name to their second child, Alexander, in The Sims 2.
  • OK, my theory: Bella loved Don but Don didn't love Bella. Bella decided to go out to Don's place. "Mortimer! Goodbye! I am going to go meet Lothario at his home!" Bella yelled from the door. When Bella got there, Don had a devilish look on his face. "Come on, Belladonna." He said. "It's "Bella.""said Bella. Don took Bella up to his roof to look into his telescope. As a green light lit the sky, Don lifted a knife and jabbed Bella's back. An agonizingly painful feeling sprinted through Bella's heart. As Bella died, the green light revealed itself as an Alien Mothership. It sucked up Bella, revived her, Took her into space, and a giant meteor slammed into the mothership! The ship crash landed near Strangetown Crater, Bella came out with a scars on her face. She had lost all memory about her loved ones, and wandered Strangetown to greet neighbors.
  • My theory is that aliens abducted Bella on Nina and Dina's orders, and the aliens were instructed to let her go in Strangetown so that she and Mortimer could never be together (Dina and Nina didn't want to kill her!). but, the alien spaceship crashed in Strangetown instead of landing there, and Bella died. The aliens, not wishing to anger the sisters and their family, created a new Bella and placed her in Strangetown. This new Bella was different from the old one because they reconstructed a sim in her likeness, and didn't clone her. The sisters think she is the real Bella, and so does the game, because it says she is not dead. But sadly, I think she is.
  • Don and the Caliente sisters made a deal, Don will invite Bella to his house and tie her up, then the sisters will show up and take Bella to Strangetown together with Don and then return back so Dina promised Don that she will marry Mortimer and share the money with her sister and him.
  • When I play on goth's and try to resurrect Bella with the Tombstone of L&D, Bella only stays for a short while and then it says, "Bella has died on another lot, she will return to the spirit of her death." So she apparently died somewhere else it just wasn't marked off in the family tree.
  • I can't believe it still says unsolved, EA have revealed this, while in the editing stages of the game, one of the team accidently deleted Bella, they had to make the desicion to leave Bella out because it would jeopardise the release date of the game, so they had to make a cover story and another Bella in Strangetown to help cover up, it all fitted together and purposely made the Bella clone different to make people wonder. Personally why did they have to make such a story, they could of blacked her out saying she died, Don Lothario killed her! That would of been better in my opinion.
  • The Pleasantview Bella, was in fact, abducted by aliens. It wasn't Don's doing, however. The Aliens needed a test subject so they abducted Bella by chance. The Goth family was distraught, especially Mortimer, as he had no idea what went on on Don's roof that night. The aliens, eventually let Bella go, but only after the tests had slightly changed her face. They dropped her off in Strangetown, where no one would recognize her, because it is so far from PleasantView. One of the Aliens was Pollination Tech #9. He especially liked Bella and when down with her to make sure she was safe. However, On his way back to the rendezevous point, the spacecraft crashed and landed by the (I think) Beaker family's house. This spurred a supernatural interest in them. Pollination Tech #9 started his own family after losing Bella. Bella, having no memory of who her family was or where she is, wanders the streets in hope that someone will help her figure out her story.
  • I think that it's simple: Don asked Bella to come to his house, she went there with Mortimer and Cassandra, he tried to make out with her, she refused, Don was mad, but didn't do anything, she saw the telescope, looked trough it, aliens abducted her, but they thought Don was the one looking through the telescope, they abducted Bella but found out that she wasn't Don, since they only abduct dudes, they erased her memory so she wouldn't tell anybody about aliens, they left her in Strangetown in case if she recovered her memory! TAH-DAH!
  • I think that when Don asked Bella to come over, he went downstairs to go to the bathroom, and the aliens were in the ship and had been waiting for Don to leave, and when they saw that he did they decided it was time to abduct her, so they did, but didnt return her because on the way to Strangetown, they were passing the Beaker house, and crashed so they had to walk to the Lab, and while they were there examining her, they wiped her memory and did plastic surgery on her face so that you couldnt tell it was her.
  • I think that Don was trying to seduce her but he told her he had to go to the bathroom so the Beakers knew that it their chance to abduct her and the spaceship was their newest invention so when she got abducted, they went on their way to Strangetown and Circe brainwashed Bella and Loki was driving the spaceship. When they got near their house Loki was trying land the ship but he landed it wrong and it crashed. The crash recovered her memory and she ran away, lost, while the Beakers were still unconcious. They really wanted her for the experiment but after they were concious and Olive Specter lost Nervous, they found him and used him for their experiments ever since.
  • Ok... So what happened is that bella had noticed that mortimer was spending money on Nina and also cheating on bella with her and then bela went to don's house to see how the weding plans beentween him and bella's daughter was going when don said 'I love you, bella yet bella said no but yet they 'tryed for a baby' and then casendrea was walking in the door so bella and don got dressed quickly and pretended to stargaze! And then bella heard the chimes! bella was having a baby and to hide it she called her freind polliantion tech#9 to get ubducted at dons roof top so bella was ubducted and then was hidden in polliantion tech#9's blocked out basment!