Branson family
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Brady and Brooke seem to have the perfect marriage and family. He is a popular and respected journalist and she is the hometown sports star. Their son Brock seems to be following in his mother's footsteps and is an accomplished angler. Yes, life is good! But can this ideal family survive Molly, Brooke's crazy aunt, moving in? Brooke invited her to visit and now she seems like she's here to stay. Brady puts on a good face but Molly's antics are certainly wearing him down.
Name Branson family
Members Molly Dalton, Brooke Branson, Brimmy Branson, Brady Branson, Brock Branson
Number of generations 2 generations
Family connections Gilman family
Lot 202 Old Cedar Mill Road
Funds §4,250
Difficulty level 4 of 6
Other information
Game The Sims 3: Pets (console)
Playability Playable
World Sugar Maple Coast

The Branson family reside in Sugar Maple Coast, the neighborhood shipped with The Sims 3: Pets for console. The family consists of Brooke, Brady and Brock Branson, Molly Dalton, and their cat Brimmy. They live across the street from the Rattlebag family.

ru:Семья Брэнсон