Fanon:A Pleasant Tale

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A Pleasant Tale

Name A Pleasant Tale
Genre Drama
Created by Carman39
Number of Chapters 1 (currently)

Original Run November 17, 2018 -
Status Ongoing

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A Pleasant Tale is a story created by Carman39, set in Pleasantview and based off of the Pleasant family, specifically Mary-Sue, Angela, and Lilith (Daniel is mostly absent in the story). The story deals with the aftermath of Mary-Sue and Daniel's divorce, the intensifying rivalry between the twins, and Lilith's growing connection with Angela's boyfriend Dustin Broke. The story is told mostly from Lilith's point of view and puts her as the main character, but other characters do have scenes told from their point of view too.

Chapter 1: New Lilith, New Attitude

7:00am, 215 Sim Lane

The alarm clock beeped, signalling another bleak Monday had begun. Mary-Sue groaned and slammed her palm down on the clock, she didn't want to get up today. Sometimes it hurt for her to move, she'd been working her fingers to the bone at her job, she'd been demoted recently and had been doing everything in her power to make sure she gets her position back. Mary-Sue's first destination was the coffee machine, she just hoped that she'd be able to get a good cup of joe in before the twins wake up and have their daily "who has the bathroom first?" debate. The twins are both Mary-Sue's proudest achievements and the bane of her existance, Angela and Lilith. Angela is the apple of Mary-Sue's eye, a study addict at the top of her class, a beautiful young girl, and a generous soul. Lilith is... well she's Lilith. Lilith, to Mary-Sue, is nothing but an underacheiving angry bitter girl, jealous of the self-made successful girl her older twin is. When Daniel left Mary-Sue for that sleazy maid Kaylynn Langerak, Mary-Sue was almost begging Daniel to take Lilith with him. 

"Mooooom!" Mary-Sue heard a shriek coming from upstairs. She rolled her eyes, the twins were both seventeen years old, they were getting closer to graduating, so why did they continue to fight like they were pre-schoolers? Mary-Sue chugged the cup until every drop of the coffee was down her throat, and stormed upstairs, waiting to see the warzone she was going to walk in to. When Mary-Sue entered the bathroom she was greeted by Angela with a red cheek and close to tears, Lilith sulking in the corner, and shampoo splattered all over the linoleum floor. Mary-Sue knew who was responsible immediately

"Lilith Evelyn Pleasant! Explain this mess!" She ordered. Lilith turned around sharp, her arms still folded and also sporting a red but slightly faded cheek. Lilith opened her mouth to defend herself, but Angela jumped in.

"Oh Mom! All I wanted to do was wash my hair, but I couldn't even do that in peace could I, Lilith?! She came in, hit me, and knocked the bottle out of my hands and on to the floor, and now it's everywhere!" Angela choked up while telling the story, Lilith laughed slightly, knowing fine well Angela was forcing out these tears. Mary-Sue noticed Lilith giggle and fumed. 

"And you're laughing Lilith? Your sister is hurt, and you're laughing? For shame Lilith, for SHAME! Clean up this mess!" Mary-Sue yelled, and stomped back downstairs.


It was so unfair, Lilith was blamed for every single bad thing that happened in this house. Even since the twins were five, when Angela scribbled on the kitchen wall with Mary-Sue's favourite lipstick, all she had to do was cry out "Lilith did it!" and that would be the end of Lilith's TV privileges. Even if Angela owned up to doing it, she probably would have been praised for "being creative" and forced Lilith to clean up the mess. That was just her life though, Angela makes a mess, blames Lilith, and Lilith cleans up. Lilith's always had a theory that she was an unexpected twin, they only wanted Angela and so when Lilith came along seven minutes later they just chose to pretend she didn't exist. Lilith wasn't taught to walk, talk, or even use the potty, she learned it all herself. Angela was praised for learning the skills her parents taught her, while Lilith was ignored for basically teaching herself everything. Nobody noticed that Angela always threw the first slap in their fights, Lilith was just seen as a monster compared to "perfect" Angela.

Angela walked in, stood there watching Lilith clean up the mess of shampoo. Angela smirked, watching her pathetic twin take the fall as always. Angela scooped up some shampoo and threw it at Lilith's back.

"Missed a bit, sis!" Angela laughed and ran out, awaiting Lilith's retaliation. When Lilith didn't follow her into the bedroom, Angela went back into the bathroom, and Lilith was now brushing her teeth, the mess on the floor clear. 

"You can't just ignore me Lilith." Angela said, folding her arms and leaning on the door frame. Lilith still didn't respond, she didn't want to give Angela any more ammunition against her for the day. Lilith spat, rinsed, and slipped past Angela. Determined to ignore her jabs. Lilith got to her bedroom mirror and started applying her makeup, black everything. Angela was determined to get a rise out of Lilith, she had a fiery temper when pushed and Angela loved using that to get her into trouble. Angela loaded her verbal gun with the most devastating bullet she had, knowing this could be the sentence that makes Lilith flip. 

"Why do you even bother putting on makeup Lilith? I mean it's not as if you have a boyfriend to look "good" for anymore." Angela held back a cruel laugh as she said that, it did cut deep for Lilith. Lilith was in a relationship with Dirk Dreamer, and they got quite far in their relationship, but it was both their hesitance to go further that broke them up. Angela was happily in a relationship with local bad boy Dustin Broke, a boy who was formerly Lilith's childhood friend, but when he got involved with Angela they grew far apart. Lilith chose to not attack Angela with fists and waste another slap on her, but challenge her with words.

"You do realise we have the same face Angela, right? Implying that I'm ugly doesn't make you look good." Lilith said calmly, while applying her eyeliner.

"It doesn't matter we've got the same face, what matters is how you wear it" Angela posed and modeled her face by the door. Lilith finished her makeup and faced Angela. 

"And you wear both your faces pretty terribly Angela, now get out of my room." Lilith remarked. Angela glared at her and walked away. Lilith smiled, she was proud of that comment, shame no one else was around to hear it.

8:54am, Pleasantview Community High School

The bell for the first period was going to ring in six minutes, Lilith was sitting on a bench outside the building, watching the crows eating remnants of food dropped by careless students. Dirk walked past her, and flashed her a sad smile, the breakup was only a month ago and things hadn't been the same since. As Lilith stared at two crows fighting over the last piece of a discarded croissant, she heard a giggle. She turned around and saw Angela and Dustin together by the school building, talking and laughing. Lilith scoffed and continued staring at crows. Some people think Lilith is bitter just for the sake of it, but Lilith has every right to be. Dustin was Lilith's friend from the beginning, and if it wasn't for her Angela would have never met her precious "Dusty", a pet name Lilith knows for a fact Dustin hates. Lilith cut Dustin off after finding out Angela had asked Dustin out, something Lilith had been planning to do for ages. Would Lilith still like to be Dustin's friend? Yes, she would like that a lot, but with Angela in the way it just can't happen. Lilith truly liked Dirk, but Dustin was the only person she truly connected with, and she can't even act on that either. It was never fair with Angela, whatever she wanted she got. A computer, the bigger room, the only boy Lilith truly felt connected with. The bell rang, and Lilith was snapped out of her own mind and into reality once again.

1:09pm, 215 Sim Lane

The bus finally stopped at the Pleasant house, Mary-Sue still at work of course. Angela, Lilith, and... Dustin, all exited the bus and entered the house. Dustin didn't come over often, but was always allowed to, Lilith was never allowed to bring Dirk home, big surprise. Angela and Dustin occupied the living room, forcing Lilith out. Lilith simply sat on the swing outside, watching Angela and Dustin chat by the TV. After an hour, Lilith saw Dustin was just leaving, so she figured it was okay to go back inside. Lilith took a bag of cookies out the cupboard and watched as Angela and Dustin said their goodbyes.

"I'll see you soon babe." Dustin hugged Angela. Angela puckered up hopefully for a kiss, but by then Dustin had already started to walk away. Dustin flashed Lilith a slight smile, and Lilith for a brief second felt like she was still in Dustin's world. Angela unpuckered and sulked for a bit, Lilith taking this opportunity to taunt her bully.

"What are you looking at, freak!" Angela yelled at Lilith. Lilith giggled seeing Angela so worked up.

"I just think it's interesting. Dirk and I almost got to second base in our relationship while you and Dustin haven't even had your first kiss yet." Lilith saw Angela go red.

"Maybe that's why you two broke up, you went too fast, and me and Dustin want to go slow."

"Maybe he doesn't wanna go slow, maybe he just wants to stop this thing dead." Lilith laughed as she saw Angela's anger rising on her face.

"Sounds like you wanna stop dead!" Angela got ready to charge at Lilith, embarrased and seeing red. Mary-Sue walked in, holding two pieces of paper. 

"Good news girls, your school reports came in!" Mary-Sue chirped, Angela smirked at Lilith, knowing the outcome wasn't going to be in her favour.


"Good job Angela, all A+'s! You're going to be a real somebody someday. I see a lot of me in you, you know!" Mary-Sue fawned over Angela, Lilith turned her head to mask her absolute disgust. Angela sweetly thanked Mary-Sue and skipped off upstairs. Angela stopped at the top step and stood, she wanted to see Lilith suffer.

"Now Lilith, I'm very disappointed, but then again not surprised." Mary slammed the report card on the table. "Mostly C+'s, and a couple D+'s too, explain yourself."

"I'm not good at math? That a good enough explanation?" Lilith spat out. All her words sounded like they were being spat out like a bad taste.

"By the looks of this, you're not good at a lot of things. Lilith. I don't know what went wrong with you honestly. Look at Angela, she's got a stable relationship, good grades, a whole host of friends, and bright career prospects. What have you got Lilith?" Mary-Sue was just taunting Lilith at this point, Lilith couldn't tell what was worse, her mother constantly ignoring her or her mother belittling her. When Lilith didn't answer, Mary-Sue continued.

"Honestly, why can't you be more like Angela?" Mary-Sue said, Lilith had heard that statement used against her so much she simply mouthed along to Mary-Sue saying it. Mary-Sue sighed and left the room. Angela spoke from the top step once Lilith was left alone.

"FYI, don't even try to be more like me. I don't even want people to know I'm related to you." Angela said with an evil smile, and retreated to her room. Lilith used to cry after every report card meeting, but now she just sat there with a face of stone. 

5:32pm, H&M Pleasantview

Lilith had to get out of the house for a while, and where better to go than the local shopping district. Lilith still had some allowance left she'd been saving up (she received $10 every two weeks, Angela received $20 every week). So far, Lilith had $20 saved up. As Lilith browsed the clothes, she found a bunch of dresses Angela owned. The words "why can't you be more like Angela?" rang through her head, but Lilith rejected it. "I don't want people to know I'm related to you" Lilith also recalled. An idea rang through Lilith's head, she didn't want people to know she was related to that stuck up cow either. Lilith grabbed a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt off the rack, a few piercings, and a bottle of hair dye. She wasn't going to look like that awful excuse for a girl any longer.

7:17pm, 215 Sim Lane

"Girls, time for dinner!" Mary-Sue stood at the counter and served up three equal plates of spaghetti, the dinner servings was usually the only thing that was equal between the twins. Angela came downstairs, and noticed Lilith wasn't the first one at the table like usual. 

"Angela, will you get your sister out of the bathroom please?" Mary-Sue sweetly asked. Angela obliged and banged on the downstairs bathroom door.

"Hey zitface! Dinnertime!" Angela shouted. Lilith opened the door fast, giving Angela only a second to jump away and not get hit. 

"Lilith don't just barge the door open like tha-WHAT ON EARTH!" Mary-Sue dropped her plate of spaghetti on the floor in shock. Lilith looked drastically different. Not only did Lilith have her nose, eyebrow, ears and lip pierced with small silver hoops, but her long orange locks were now straight black locks that reached just past her shoulders. She looked like a completely different person to Angela.

"Woah." was all Angela could make out seeing Lilith's new look. 

"Well Mom, you told me to be more like Angela, and Angela told me to look less like her, so I figured I'd go for the second option." Lilith's confidence had started to grow recently, she found herself more able to talk back to her mother and sister, and now with her new look she was determined to fight back whenever possible, she didn't want to be pushed around by them any longer, this was the day Lilith Pleasant snapped. Lilith walked past Angela and collected one of the intact plates of food from the counter.

"I think I'll eat upstairs." Lilith smiled at Mary-Sue and carried her dinner upstairs. Mary-Sue snapped out of her shocked state to make one last remark. 

"Good! And stay up there, I don't wanna see you for the rest of the night, you hear me?!" Mary-Sue yelled. Lilith didn't care, she felt like a boss, a new person with a new attitude. It's amazing what a new look can do to a person. Lilith ate her dinner, humming the tune of Patti LaBelle's "New Attitude" under her breath.

I'm feeling good from my head to my shoes

Know where I'm going and I know what to do

I've tidied up my point of view

I got a new attitude!

Chapter 2: The Centowski Party

Coming soon...