Fanon:PlumbBobs & Prejudice: Difference between revisions

(updated infobox, now 8 chapters)
imported>Auror Andrachome
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Investigator Turner felt the wind moving along her back, making her shiver. That was the only time she ever shivered; lack of heat. She never shivered because of fear. She couldn't. Is she did, people would see her as a weak detective. If they did that, she could lose her job. Her job, the one thing more dearest to her then anything. Secondly came Richard. Investigator Ranaun. Her partner. The one who was always with her, always helping, always bickering. They were friends, partners in fighting crime. Batman and Robin, though there was no sidekick. Both were important. She sneezed and heard Ranaun approaching to her from the woods, which was lined with leafless trees, each large with branches that seemed to try to grab you. As he entered the abandoned parking lot, Investigator Turner asked:"Did you get anything?" He came closer to a comfortable distance to talk, and nodded. "According to Miss. Guerreiro," he took out his notebook,"she saw two armed men enter the residence across her, and escaped through the side door. She says it was too dark to see much, but its not impossible that the woman came out with them." Turner sighed. "Did she tell you anything about the missing woman?" Ranaun nodded again. "She said the woman, Misses Katherina Arrieta, was almost always in her house. She says she never came out, and had only seen her have guests two times in the last year." Turner turned and started walking, and Ranaun caught up with her. "Do you think that this and that guy who got shot are linked, maybe?" Ranaun looked down slightly. "That man, he...after we interviewed him, he fell asleep. When he woke up, he was...his condition turned critical. He...didn't make it." Auror also looked down, only slightly. The emotion on her face and the pace at which she was walking stayed the same. When she came to her 1928 Model A Tudor, she jumped in and stared before he. Ranaun climbed in the other side and closed the door carefully. When Turner stared like that, it meant she was thinking in extreme concentration. She could ignore all her needs and just sit like that for hours. Ranaun took his phone out of his pocket, which was vibrating. He flipped it open. "Investigator Richard Ranaun, how can I help you?" He moved ear further from the phone when a man boomed: "You can help me by getting your butts down to the station A.S.A.P." The man hanged up just as suddenly as he called. Turner wasn't completely oblivious, and has heard the call. She put the keys into the ignition, turned, and sped away.
After getting a new case, Ranaun and Turner spent the rest of the afternoon at a mansion, interviewing a family and searching it for clues. The bride had gone missing, along with the maid and another family member. They disappeared in the evening, and gunshots could be heard. Ranaun investigated the building. It was hard, and it took him four hours before he could finally say he had searched the building from top to bottom. Not that far was the same place the man had been shot. Turner started losing her patience with the family, who were crying, yelling at each other, throwing accusations around, but mostly when the groom, Archibald Andrews, stormed out of the mansion, saying he had better things to do. Finally, Turner lost it, and told the family they had everything they needed.