Forum:University problem (or maybe not)

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Forums: IndexHelp deskUniversity problem (or maybe not) | Post

Hello, I have problem with new university expansion, I send two of my sims (there only two of then in the household) both to the university, they both have done very well and managed to get highest score and all but I encountered some problems later on. When they both went to gymnasium to get their diplomas they god stuck because there were too many sims trying to get inside, I cancelled the action for one of the sims before he even put his robe on and moved him to other door but then I discovered that there is no option to go inside for graduation thing for him, my other sim did wear robe moments after that and in some time he finally managed to get inside, but when he came out he didn't get any extra trait slot (I have read that sims who graduate get one extra trait slot) later they went to their place and a bit more later they left for home, that's where I got massages that they must or can ( I'm not sure now which one was it ) go back for another semester/term but I'm not sure if that's just translation issues ( I have game in different then English language) when they got to their house eventually I discovered that they don't have college diplomas in their inventory and that in "college history" tab (I'm not sure how is it called in English version but when you go to third tab on the left in main tabs, one with college square hat thing, and then you go to bottom tab on the left with rolled up diploma there, I could see icon of the subject my sim studied with its name and the stripe was all filled up (he got all 48 out of 48 in the exams) and it looked like that in the university, shouldn't it change if he finished the actual degree? shouldn't it say that its done and he passed and such? its my first time so I am not sure how it is supposed to look like. Also, when I was sending them to college I picked two semester mode/system or whatever it is called, is there any hard line between semesters? or does it just prolongs time they are in the college? When I first got the info about semester thing, the one when they said that sim can go back or that he has to ( I cant remember how they phrased it) I assumed that they go to home for break or something and then they can come back to continue the degree but when i tried to send them back on the same subject the window said that I cant because they already have been. I am not sure how stuff should look and work in this expansion it is my first time and first sims that I send to college, is it a bug and can this be solved? Thanks for help and sorry that its so long.

EDIT: I have reloaded previous save and after the final exams, at midnight, i have got info saying that my sim have passed with highest score, college tab has hanged already to career tab (one with desk and man behind it) and it says that "my classes for this semester has ended" and that I should not forget to sign up for another semester, do they by "semester" mean new degree? Another semester would imply that my sim has to come back to finish this subject I thought. I will wait till graduation thing at gymnasium and see if they will get trait slot and diplomas this time. Also I checked college history and after he passed at midnight it changed colour to gold and the bar beneath says that my sim passed all 48 out of 48 checks/exams so I guess that's the end of the term? but still calling it semester kinda confused me and I don't know why they didn't get their diplomas and trait slots before.

I am curious how many other can relate to this post and problems that started with the University expansion? I’ve been calling it the “door pile-up problem” but it really is all sim routing that has gone wrong since University. My sims have the same problem attending classes, leaving classes…heck any time more than one sim tries to use the same door as another it happens. Sims can no longer ‘deal’ efficiently with door, arches, (doors and arches seem to be the worst because sims now PAUSE going thru for some reason and do a little reverse…like they are not sure if they are coming or going and this takes several game minutes even if there is NO other sim trying to use the same door) elevators, steps or even routing to the same object, be it a dirty plate or the same chair. Add in some weather, umbrellas and you can easily get 25 sims piled on ONE door….add in Graduation, rain, umbrella’s, switch to cap and gown and what do you get???? EASY an entire game day of 25 sims standing around tapping their foot waiting for all the other sims to go through just one door. (My advice btw is do NOT cancel any actions when Graduation happens…in most of the ones I when through if you just wait it out the game will eventually process them all if it takes all of a game night…JUST LET IT RUN ITS COURSE)

Parties? NOT fun, same problem…if you invite more than 3 NPCs to your birthday… will be lucky if they make it in your front door before the party is OVER…. If a sim NPC wants to use the fridge or stove you sent your sim to they now have to WAIT for all the others to finish??? Sims now have to wait for the object to be unaffected by any other sim to use/task with an object??? Why? Not very life like and it WAS NOT like this before University.  WHAT HAPPENED? This routing problem needs fixing BADLY!

Today my sim family, that I have played since Into the Future came out, have become unplayable.  They are the Benton family from Lunar Lakes. After spending LOTS of time building up the families’ skills and money I took the husband, Benjamin into the future to really test it out… (after the Future release I tried to take another sim to the future and it went rather badly…so badly I had to delete that game/world.) Benjamin and I spent several game-time weeks visiting family, skill building, exploring and searching for nanites. As the game time was wearing on I started to notice NPC and my Mr. Benton having a hard time making it to the toilet on time and then peeing themselves. But I managed to get to level 9 in Advanced Tech and level 3 in Bot building before taking him back to his past to see how he could alter the future….

Well NOW my sims cannot route anywhere on time! They will stand for several game-time hours just trying to put a plate in the dishwasher. The kids can’t get out of the house on time to make the bus. Over an hour to reach a toilet and still pees themselves??? It Mr. Benton was set to make waffles at noon, didn’t have to be at work until 3….normally enough time to finish right? Well not anymore. It took him until 7pm to finish them and he completely missed his shift! Again I am seriously asking what has happened to the routing in the game and why does it get worse the longer you play????

As a fair test I turn my in game graphics all to the LOW settings….minimal everything and tried to run the Benton again. All the same problems and of course the game looks terrible…. I have NO custom content and NO mods but I have all expansions and all the stuff packs. I am on Window 7 and my system is pretty fast but not brand new…

OS Name             Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium   

System Type      x64-based PC    

Processor            AMD A4-3400 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics, 2700 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)    

BIOS Version/Date          American Megatrends Inc. P1.30, 5/11/2012       

Installed Physical Memory (RAM)             8.00 GB

Total Physical Memory  7.73 GB

Available Physical Memory          2.88 GB

Total Virtual Memory     15.5 GB

Available Virtual Memory             10.4 GB

Page File Space 7.73 GB

Durango1967 (talk) 01:53, November 16, 2013 (UTC)