Lifetime happiness

This article is about Simology. The Sims 3

Lifetime happiness is points rewarded to Sims by fulfilling promised wishes. Achieving lifetime happiness is a measure of a Sim's life in The Sims 3 and is memorialized by the size of their gravestone. Sims can accumulate lifetime happiness points which can be redeemed for lifetime rewards. In addition to fulfilling promised wishes, Sims can generate points periodically by keeping themselves happy. The higher the Sim's mood, the faster the lifetime happiness point is accumulated.

Patch 1.63 added an interactive loading screen feature to the game. During the loading screen, the player is presented a game screenshot and is told to find certain objects like a hidden object game. The more objects the player can find, the more points they will earn. As the load finishes, or the player starts a new game and moves in a new family, all Sims in the household will earn lifetime happiness points which is distributed evenly from the points earned in the loading screen. This feature may reduce performance during loading time, so the players may disable it in the game options.

With the testingcheatsenabled true cheat, holding down control and clicking on the blank area next to the amount of lifetime points the Sim currently has will generate more points (500 per click). The cheat must be turned on at the main menu.

Lifetime wish Edit

A lifetime wish is the ultimate wish of each Sim which grants a large amount of lifetime happiness points when fulfilled. A Sim must choose a lifetime wish when growing up from teen to young adult, or when they are a child or teen and excel at a certain skill. The wish they choose must have something in common with the traits the Sim has (i.e. if the Sim has the Good trait then they most likely will not have the option of Master Thief for their lifetime wish unless customized).

See also Edit

fr:Bonheur à long terme