Roommates Wanna Be household

Roommates Wanna Be household
These roomies met at a Supernatural conference because of their shared love of all things mystical. Although none of them possess any un-humanly powers, you wouldn’t know it by how they dress and act. They love being around all the interesting characters of Moonlight Falls but how will the town’s “real” supernaturals react to their masquerading?
Name Roommates Wanna Be household
Members Alice Fitzgerald, Malcolm Harris, Deedee Wynn, Haley Sumari
Number of generations 1 generation
Lot 160 Wood Street
Funds §§3,000
Difficulty level 3 of 6
Other information
Game The Sims 3: Supernatural
Playability Playable
World Moonlight Falls

The Roommates Wanna Be household is a household that made their debut in The Sims 3: Supernatural. The household consists of Alice Fitzgerald, Malcolm Harris, Deedee Wynn and Haley Sumari. The only supernatural person living in the household is Deedee, a witch.

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