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She hadn't realized how much Mortimer's jealousy mattered to her. Without him caring, it didn't even seem worth the crap she was putting up with from Cassandra. She waited until everyone fell asleep, packed a bag, and headed to Don's house. [See: Lothario Family for more of Dina's story]
Mortimer wasn't sorry at all to discover Dina's defection. When he heard she died, he laughed out loud! Then he thought of a plan of most masterful revenge. He picked up the phone and called the Grim Reaper. The Grim Reaper thought it was an awesome plan, and delivered both Zombie Dina and Zombie Don. Zombie Dina spent a few days being incredibly angry. She was ugly! She smelled bad! No one was going to ever want her again! Zombie Don immediately moved back to his own apartment.
After thosethe first few days, she realized that if this is how she's going to be stuck, she better figure out a way to cope. She accepted Mortimer's offer of employment, and became the Goth Family's permanent nanny and maid. Just after this, Mortimer died, and Dina was left to the devices of her new mistress, Cassandra.
Cassandra refused to acknowledge Pecunia as a sister, and added a servant's quarters to the house just off the dining room. Dina and Pecunia both lived in this room. While Dina underwent a massive attitude adjustment to conform to her new role, Cassandra never forgot the wrongs done to her family with thanks to Dina, and was always careful to keep Dina and Pecunia mindful of their place.
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