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==Chapter Twenty-Two: The firstbornsFirstborns==
<p class="MsoNormal">''After we got engaged, we graduated, over three years. First came my sister's household - Mitchell Aridia and his fiancée, Scoria, Astria Terrano, Maria, Rodrigue and Jasper. I have not talked often of Mitchell and Scoria, other than to mention Scoria as a new species in Aridia. Mitchell was Pettina's grandson, Sky and Fricorith's son, heir to the Aridia estate. Mitchell once had a sister, Rosamund, generally agreed to be one of the most beautiful women Aridia ever saw… but tragedy struck. Many were curious what the child of a living statue would look like, and I must admit I counted myself among that number, but children were not immediately forthcoming to Scoria and Mitchell. I had forgotten the sunburn shown on Scoria's skin in this picture - in truth, it took me some minutes to remember what the redness was. Sunburn, to a vampire, is akin to death, and we forget that humans (or, at least, non-vampires) can be injured also.''</p>
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<p class="MsoNormal">[[File:Graduation_Aridia.jpg|frame|left|Graduation]][[File:Scoria_and_Mitchell_Aridia_on_honeymoon.jpg|frame|Scoria and Mitchell Aridia on honeymoon]]</p>
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<p class="MsoNormal">''Astria Terrano and Kenji Sakurako got married soon after. Unfortunately, it was during daylight hours, so I could not attend, but I have seen pictures. Astria's family were welcoming, but Kenji's family, less so. Plantsims are to humans what humans are to vampires - they live such short spans, communication and friendships are difficult between the two species. However, once they reach adulthood they live a similar amount of time to other adults, and Kenji was determined that his species would not stop him living a normal life. His sister, a most beautiful woman, preferred isolation from the normal population. Nonetheless, Kokoro made the effort to know her brother's new family, particularly his infant son, Mars Terrano, born almost a year later. Initially, Mars resembled Kenji, and by being born to Astria rather than grown from a spore on Kenji's head, he could grow up at a normal rate and live a normal lifespan, something Kenji had been denied.''</p>
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<p class="MsoNormal">''[[File:Astria_Terrano_and_Kenji_Sakurako_wedding.jpg|frame|left|Astria Terrano and Kenji Sakurako wedding]][[File:Kokoro_Sakurako_(background),_Astria,_Kenji_and_Mars_Terrano.jpg|frame|Kokoro Sakurako (background), Astria, Kenji and Mars Terrano]]''</p>
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<p class="MsoNormal">''I feel great pity for the Plantsims, forced to live a short, hot life, always in the sunlight or else forced to install UV lights everywhere, whilst we endure for centuries in the cold night. They are our opposites, and there can be no crossover between our worlds. Except… once… I had three wives, but for a few short months it could almost have been four. It would be have been impossible for us to live together, though - those UV lights would burn me, and she could not have lived at night. I heard rumors of a child, afterwards, but I never had the courage to ask. Was that wrong of me? I digress, again I digress. I was about to describe my sister's wedding. ''</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">''[[File:Maria_De_Crypt_and_Jasper_Sim_wedding.jpg|frame|left|Maria De Crypt and Jasper Sim wedding]]''</p>
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<p class="MsoNormal">''Maria's household confused everyone that heard of it. Somehow, Maria persuaded both Jasper and Rodrigue to live with her, when she could only marry one of them. She married Jasper. Over the years I've become convinced that Rodrigue was Maria's one true love, if she ever had such a thing, but I never understood why she insisted on marrying Jasper. Did she think that to marry Rodrigue would condemn her to a life of the upper class? She could have cut off her family and lived in the suburbs with Rodrigue, just as easily, there was nothing we could do to stop her. Nonetheless, this is what my sister chose. Both men struggled to find a comfortable medium, living with the other so close at hand. Rodrigue was insulted by the fact that Maria married Jasper, and slept with him every night, had her first child by him. Equally, Jasper hated that Maria was so obvious with her affair that people meeting them for the first time commented on it.''</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">''[[File:Picture_(98).jpg|frame|left|Venus Terrano, Astria Terrano and Stella Terrano]][[File:Jasper_Sim,_Scoria_Aridia_and_Astria_Terrano.jpg|frame|Jasper Sim, Scoria Aridia and Astria Terrano]]''</p>
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<p class="MsoNormal">''Jasper had met very little of Maria's extended family - at this point, only Vanessa was still in communication with Maria. Our cousins talked to Maria often, but I was told that Jasper hadn't realized how few of Maria's family - of the neighborhood - were actually human. Even Scoria attended the wedding, fresh with tales from her honeymoon. Technically Scoria was now related to Jasper, but only distantly, through several marriages and cousins. Scoria married Mitchell - Mitchell's aunt Ellie married Kenji's uncle Yoshi - Kenji married Maria's cousin Astria. Most people in Aridia are related in this manner - no biological relation, but a big enough family tree will show the connection. In these photos, Astria only recently married Kenji, so she is not yet pregnant, nor has Mars been born.   ''</p>
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<p class="MsoNormal">''James Sim was born blonde, like his father. Once, many years later, Rodrigue convinced me to pay for genetic tests on the children to confirm his suspicions. James was Jasper's child, but Maria did have one child by Rodrigue, later on. I think Maria knew that if the first child was born human Jasper would leave her, but if she could prove she had his child at least once, he would be trapped. Luckily for her, James bore a superficial resemblance to Jasper from the start. Vanessa was desperate for my father and I to talk to Maria, welcome her and her son back into the family, but I would not undermine my father's decision like that, and he would not be moved by my mother's pictures. Rodrigue's child also bore an obvious resemblance to his father, marking the end of Maria's chance for redemption. She was happy in her life, and I saw to it that Rodrigue's child married well. The child had both Tricou blood and De Crypt blood, it was the least I could do. James married someone who made him happy, or at least, so I was led to believe.''</p>
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<p class="MsoNormal">''I will not talk much of this next household, these people having occurred little in my account so far. Lexi, Ben, Toshiko, Taro, Danny and Baby Doll. This household was known for having an usually large number of werewolves - four, if you included Diana. Lexi fell pregnant and dropped out of university before graduation. ''</p>
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<p class="MsoNormal">''Danny and Baby Doll were married first. I'm sure it was very romantic, but my family and theirs had little interaction and did not attend. I have discussed Danny's story previously, and know little of Baby Doll's. Presumably she, like many other extra-terrestrial inhabitants of Aridia, came to the university to study and fell in love. The story is common enough - it applies to my own mother. Danny was a werewolf from a family of werewolves. Danny's mother, Ellie, was originally from the Aridia family, and Danny was Mitchell's cousin. As I said, the Aridia's allowed their blood to be diluted, and their money spread too thin. The consequence of such is the eventual downfall of the family - although there is still time to recover the loss. I have had to be quite ruthless in pruning my own family tree, deciding who can stay within my folds and who must provide for themselves. Where I could, I married my children into rich families also, but it was not always possible. ''</p>
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<p class="MsoNormal">''Danny and Baby Doll's first child was born shortly after. In an unexpected turn of events, Rebecca Dai was born with blonde hair. It eventually came to light that, before her hair turned grey, Rose Dai had naturally blonde hair which she then dyed red. Of course, Rose was Rebecca's great-grandmother, so the fact that this had been passed down to Rebecca was quite extraordinary. It made me laugh, at the time, and still does today.''</p>
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<p class="MsoNormal">''Lexi and Ben were both werewolves. Lexi was the result of Rose's affair with the first son of her fiancée, Moriko. Kazuo refused to acknowledge Lexi as his daughter, and after Moriko passed away Rose and Lexi moved out before anyone noticed the similarities between Lexi and her half-sister Toshiko. Ben was simply aspiring to be a doctor, but had moved away from home because his parents disapproved of him being a werewolf. Lexi dropped out of university when she fell pregnant, and they agreed to marry once the baby was born. Their son was called Joshua, and they built a crib for him at the site of their wedding. I didn't think much of that, to be honest, I thought it would be better to married before the child was born - but mistakes happen. I believe it was about this time that Rose told Lexi who her father really was - apart from Toshiko, Lexi began to develop an animosity towards the Sakurako family, and tried to keep Joshua away from his cousins. I have heard that they were not a happy family, after this, although Lexi and Ben loved each other very much. ''</p>
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