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==Young Adulthood==
As a Young Adult, at first life was great. She partied everyday but still got on Dean's list and rung her parents everyday. She knew her parents were proud of her and her brother as they were both very bright and got good grades. However, one day, Maureen got a phone call from her brother. Her parents had had an accident at a pool and drowned. Maureen was devastated. How could she live without them? Both her and her brother had different reactions. He overcompensated whilst she withdrew. Around Junior year, Maureen couldn't pay rent on her residence so she moved in with the college recluse, [[Fanon:Flynn Space|Flynn Space]]. Maureen soon found out that they were quite similiar. Flynn's father had died just before she had come to college and Flynn was really lonely. Maureen decided to do her a favour and set her up with Adrian. Maureen was glad that they date went well. After her and Flynn graduated she didn't hear much from her or Adrian. Around this time, Maureen met an odd man called Chester. He was having a hard time raising twins from an illicit liaison with Buttercup Morrison and he hire Maureen as a Babysitter. Maureen found this family really kind and fun and she found herself oddly attracted to Chester even though he wasn't really her type. He asked her out and she agreed and a year later they were engaged. After this Maureen finally heard from her friend, and it was a shock. Flynn just said that the Baby was coming. Maureen knew that her friend needed her as she was going to be a single mum and went to help. After this Maureen married Chester and also she decided she wanted to have a baby too as Amin. Jr was SO cute. Maureen told Chester and he agreed a Baby would be good so after a few months of trying, Maureen was pregnant. Sadly, though she lost the baby which lead Maureen into a depression. However, Flynn and Chester helped get her out of it and soon she was ready to face the world again. She had a good feeling when Flynn asked her to be the Maid of Honour at her wedding and she was right. Maureen was pregnant again! She was jubilant and after 5 months the Baby still seemed healthy! She was going to be a mummy.
As a Young Adult, at first life was great. She partied everyday but still got on Dean's list and rung her parents everyday. She knew her parents were proud of her and her brother as they were both very bright and got good grades.
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