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Toby's strange reaction to Summer's return
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(Toby's strange reaction to Summer's return)
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And he felt nothing.
===Summer's return===
Whilst everybody else seemed shocked at her return, Toby felt almost disappointed to see her. Couldn't she see they were having dinner? This was rather inconvenient for everybody. He decided to zone out for a bit and envision his house once it was finished. He began to think about what he would do tomorrow. Perhaps he would take Genevieve out for dinner and buy her a dozen white lilies. Or maybe orange lilies. He couldn't remember which kind she had mentioned liking. Or perhaps, he would buy her a car as way of apology. Yes, a nice red convertible. She would like that.
When he zoned back in again, Summer was deep in conversation and nobody had noticed Toby's temporary mental absence. She was babbling on about some girl called Zoe who had died by falling off of a bridge. Summer seemed upset when telling this but she still seemed manic. Toby didn't like this, he had always hated when people had told personal stories as they became so invested in them and told them with such passion that it was overwhelming. He preferred when people talked about statistics, they didn't allow the speaker to get too emotional and if they did somehow get too involved in their speech - Toby fired them. Cool indifference was vital for a workplace environment.
He noticed that Nora was standing up and going upstairs. If Nora felt it was appropriate to leave then he could leave to. He grabbed Rose's arm and began to pull her out. He muttered goodbye as he grabbed his coat and pulled them both out of the door.
"What are you doing?" She asked him as he pulled her into the car, "Ow, that hurts, Toby, let my arm go." She whimpered slightly and he let her arm fall to her side.
"Toby?" She said as he started to car and pulled away, "Are you okay? I know this is a lot to take in..."
He didn't reply as there was no need to. This had been no ordinary night, that was for sure but overall he was okay. This wouldn't affect his life too much if he didn't let it and he could continue as normal.
As they drove, he decided that he was going to get Genevieve a car. Although not a red one, a green one. That would show he was sorry and car buying always allowed him to remove annoying memories from his mind.
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