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{{Title|[[Fanon:Revolution|Revolution]] - Episode 9: Assault <sub>by [[User:WikiBuilder1147|WikiBuilder1147]], [[User:K6ka|K6ka]] and [[User:OpelSpeedster|OpelSpeedster]]</sub>}}
{{Disclaimer|Some content in this narrative is '''not suitable for children under the age of thirteen years''', as it contains some violence and coarse language. '''Caution is advised.'''}}
{{Fan fiction
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|name = Assault
|genre = Drama, Action, Adventure, Scifi
|creator = [[User:WikiBuilder1147|WikiBuilder1147]], [[User:K6ka|K6ka]] and [[User:OpelSpeedster|OpelSpeedster]]
|originalrun = 4 - 7 October 2014
|preceded = [[Fanon:Recruitment|Recruitment]]
|successor = [[Fanon:Misfire|Misfire]]
|status = Running
'''Assault''' is the ninth episode of the [[Fanon:Revolution|Revolution]] series by [[User:WikiBuilder1147|WikiBuilder1147]], {{User|K6ka}} and {{User|OpelSpeedster}}. It depicts the adventures of a group of youngsters as they fight against the oppressive regime under which they live their lives in constant scrutiny and fear.
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"No, no, put that hand down," Ben said. "We're both off duty. Just call me Ben, hey?"
"Err…," the boy was clearly confused. Then he stuck his hand out. Ben shook it. "Private Thomas Rainer. 5th SquadArtillery Squadron."
"Glad to meet you, Tom," Ben replied. He smiled. Tom eventually found his courage and smiled back. Then, Ben took a seat next to him.
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"Are you alright?" Ben asked in panic. The girl put a hand up to stop Ben and any others coming close to her. Her body arched forward. She coughed several times before vomiting violently. The crowd began screaming in disgust. The girl stopped. Her breathing was quick and slightly laboured. She coughed again, then started retching all over again.
Ben turned to the nearest person. "Go to sick baysickbay and get the Doctor and a gurney here. Hurry!" A man nodded and ran off towards sick baysickbay.
When the man returned with Doctor Renhald, Renhald approached the girl slowly, taking several deep breaths before diving in to assist her.
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"Are you feeling alright now?" the Doctor asked her. She nodded. Then she started gagging. Renhald patted her back gently.
"It's okay. We'll take you to sick baysickbay." Renhald said. He beckoned forth several medics carrying a gurney. They loaded the girl onto it before lifting it and taking it back to sick baysickbay.
"This is bad," Renhald sighed. "There've already been ten cases of this today." He shook his head before walking after his medics.
==Chapter 2==
"All senior officers, please report to sick baysickbay immediately," the voice of Doctor Renhald came over the loudspeaker. Ben opened his eyes. He felt for his alarm clock instinctually but it wasn't there. Then he remembered. He looked at his watch.
Five-thirty in the morning.
"Damn it," he muttered as he rose out of bed. Miami got up as well. He quickly put his uniform on over his pyjamas. She did the same. Then they left the room, heading for sick baysickbay.
As it was near the end of autumn, the nights had gotten longer, and much colder. Ben shivered and put his hands over their counterparts' forearms and rubbed them vigorously in an attempt to produce heat. Miami simply walked. Their breaths crystallised in the early morning air.
When the duo finally reached sick baysickbay, they found all the other senior officers were already assembled.
"Sorry we're late," Ben said. He and Miami joined their fellow soldiers, standing next to Alex, who was also there. Doctor Renhald began to speak.
"While some of you were having your beauty sleep," Renhald began, "I spent the night analysing these patients, trying to identify the sickness that is afflicting my patientsthem."
"And what did you find, Doctor?" Harry asked.
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"The presence of the bacteria in the water was not an accident," said Doctor Renhald. "Someone is trying to kill us."
"Thank you, Corporal," said Commander Marion Mars. "You may leave now." A 15-year-old boy stood up and left the room. Ben watched as the boy opened the door, exited, and closed it again. Mars moved her head to the microphone.
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"Calm down, shhh," he whispered gently in an effort to console his friend. "Shhh."
==Chapter 3==
"We are gathered here today to pay our last respects to Private Thomas Rainer of the Liberation Army's 5th Artillery Squadron," the director began. "While he never saw combat, he was a bright, intelligent child and he will always be remembered by his friends and family." He never bothered to mention the fact that Tom's parents didn't know that he had died yet.
When the attendants had adjourned two hours later, Ben and Miami were sitting on Miami's bed. Miami continued to sob, and Ben kept trying to comfort her.
"This is all my fault," she cried. "Everyone's dying because of me."
"No, they're not," Ben replied. "You had nothing to do with Tom's death. Or the cholera problem."
"I let them die." Her head turned towards his. "They suffered because of me."
"Who? Who're you talking about?"
Her eyes refilled and washed her face down with a fresh torrent of tears. She put her hands over a face and rested her elbows on her thighs. Ben now understood what she was getting at.
"No," Ben said. "It's not your fault. You can't be responsible for the deaths of…" He trailed off. He sighed.
"I…I failed," Miami whispered. "I failed my family. My brother. I failed…I'm…worthless."
"Now, don't you ''dare'' say that!" Ben stood up and faced his friend. "Look at me!" She slowly raised her head.
"LOOK AT ME!" he screamed. He looked at her straight in the eye.
"You are ''not'' worthless!" Ben said. "You are Miami Hodgson, the smartest girl I know. You are not some poor useless vegetable that sits there day and night crying. You're not being you, you're--"
Intense pain suddenly shot through his head.
"Ben!" Miami cried, suddenly snapping out of her trance. She rushed to his side.
"Are you okay, Ben?" she asked. Ben fell to his knees, holding his head in agony.
''KILL HER!'' the voice shouted. Ben tried as hard as he could to resist. His hand began moving towards the sheathed knife clipped onto his belt.
"Ben? Are you okay?" Miami asked again.
''SHE MUST DIE! KILL THE GIRL!'' the voice screamed, almost spitting the words out into his neural pathways. Ben's uncontrollable body unsheathed the knife and attempted to stab Miami. She dodged it and the knife slashed through air. Out of instinct, the girl then socked Ben in the side of his head. He fell to the ground, unconscious.
When Ben finally awoke, he found Miami, Alex, Harry, Daniel and Doctor Renhald all standing around him. He tried to sit up, but found himself restrained to his bed.
"Wha…" Ben stuttered. "What…what happened?" His mind completely refused to assist him to get his bearings. Then he felt the burning pain on his right cheek.
"Sorry, Lieutenant-General," Renhald replied. "You're locked onto the bed because you attempted to murder Major-General Hodgson."
"Why…why would I do that?" Ben exclaimed. "Miami's my best friend."
"We know that," Renhald said. "We also know you were placed in a reeducation module at least once. Miami got lucky - she snapped out of it when…" He trailed off.
"Err…," he continued. "But for you, it's gonna be a bit harder. We're going to try to reverse it. That's why you have electrodes all over your head."
Ben felt around his forehead. There were wires stuck onto it, as well as the back of his neck.
"Okay. Shall we begin?" Renhald declared. Miami smiled at Ben before stepping back along with the other officers so that the medics could get to work.
"Neural patterns stable. Heartbeat stable. Ready to begin procedure," one of the surgeons said. Another put an oxygen mask over Ben's face. Needles punctured his arms as they delivered liquids into his bloodstream.
"Initiating upload of neural patterns now," Renhald said. Ben felt a short, sharp shock of pain running through his skull, then light-headedness. As if his mind were floating away from his body…
When Ben came to for the second time, he found himself floating in…nowhere. A 3D grid stretched out before him, behind him - in all directions.
A voice from no particular source called out to him, "Lieutenant-General Faulkner, can you hear me?" It was Renhald.
It took several seconds to find his voice. "Yes, Doctor."
"Good. Your brain has been uploaded onto this computer," said the Doctor. "Don't worry - while your mind is virtually outside of your body, all your other organs are functioning normally. It is from here that we will attempt to find the source of the foreign directives and eliminate it. Then your edited neural patterns will be downloaded back into your body. Did you get that?"
"Yes, Doctor."
"Beginning procedure now."
He felt a little tingly as Doctor Renhald began accessing his neural pathways as if he were browsing through a computer hard drive.
"Heart rate rising," said one of Renhald's assistants. "Blood pressure stable."
"Wait a minute," Doctor Renhald muttered. "Hang on in there."
For almost an hour, the Doctor continued to search through Ben's mind. Throughout that time Ben's body functions became increasingly chaotic. Miami covered her mouth in anxiety lest she start screaming. Alex held his arm around her. Harry looked on in anticipation. Daniel did the same.
An alarm went off. "Doctor! We're losing him!" Ben began feeling light-headed again.
Ben's breathing sped up. His heart rate increased exponentially.
"Blood pressure dropping!" a surgeon screamed. "We need to abandon the procedure now! We must download his brain back into his body before he dies!"
"Almost there!" Renhald said.
The beep.
"Doctor! Hurry! His heart's already stopped!"
Renhald gave up and began downloading Ben's brain. Ben felt he was dematerialising, and then he lapsed into unconsciousness.
A surgeon rushed to the defibrillator. Other surgeons unbuttoned Ben's shirt and exposed his chest. Ben's chest was cleaned of sweat and other debris. The surgeons then began attempts to restart Ben's heart.
"Initiating CPR!"
"200 Joules! Charged! Stand clear!"
"1, 2, 3…"
Electricity surged into Ben's chest. His chest shot upwards, his body arching towards the ceiling, then smashed back down onto his bed.
"Stand clear. Do not touch patient. Analysing rhythm," said the voice of the defibrillator monitor.
"Check pulse. If there is no pulse, initiate CPR." The surgeons rushed in.
"No pulse," they said.
"Initiating CPR!"
"200 Joules! Charged! Stand clear!"
"1, 2, 3!"
For the second time, Ben's body spasmed as the electric pulse blasted into him. There was silence for several seconds. Then, as if someone had pulled a switch, Ben's heart began to awaken. Air started rushing into his lungs again. His chest rose and fell as his breathed.
"Heart rate stabilising!"
"Alright. He's gonna be okay. He's gonna be okay."
Ben opened his eyes slowly. His head slowly turned to face his friends. "I'm gonna be okay." The restraints were lifted, and he sat up. Miami sprinted to him and the two hugged.
"I was so worried," Miami said, tears running down and saturating Ben's shoulder.
"Well, at least you're crying about something else now," Ben quipped quietly.
When Ben and Miami broke their embrace, she gave him a light punch.
"That was for the joke," she laughed as she wiped her tears away. "Totally ''not'' funny."
After several days Ben was discharged from sickbay, as were the other patients afflicted with cholera. Corporal Philip Henderson, the only person who happened to be named Philip in the camp, was hunted down and brought back for court-martial. He was to be placed in the camp prison for the duration of the war that was to come. The water was boiled, and eventually declared safe for drinking again. Parched troops began crowding the tank, drinking to their heart's content.
The senior officers were once again convened in the camp's war room.
"Well, now we have our internal problems sorted, we can begin planning our first move," Harry said. "So are we all still go for the plan we agreed upon last time we met?"
"Yes, sir," the group concurred unanimously. Miami consented as well.
"Then it is decided. We will march on Bridgeport tomorrow."
'''''[[Fanon:Misfire|To be continued…]]'''''
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