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Today's been a long and fruitful day. I'd better get some rest. Goodnight!
==Thursday, 13th May 2010==
Oh no, Alexis!
There was a news flash this morning about our ship!
"BREAKING NEWS!" the newsreader exclaimed. "Scientists at the Sim Aeronautics and Space Administration have confirmed that the hull fragments found at the site of the wreckage of a mysterious aircraft, that crashed in the middle of the desert of Arizona near the Simafornian border, are composed of materials previously unknown to Simkind. This could be evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials.
"SASA director Charles Bolden said in an official statement that the agency is now trying to revive the spaceship's main computer and use it to determine the origin of the spacecraft. He also said that this would be followed by an attempt to communicate with the planet of origin and possibly to initiate First Contact."
Oh no. Zrala was equally shocked. It is generally agreed by the galactic community that the Sims aren't ready to make contact with other species! If they were to find out that the ship comes from Sixam, then make contact with our people, the results could be devastating!
There was another bit of news that shocked me.
"At the initial site, the cockpit of the spacecraft was nowhere to be seen," the newsreader continued. "However, after several weeks of searching, it was revealed that the cockpit had separated from the spacecraft upon impact and, due to the high speed of the spacecraft, continued travelling for a further three miles to the northwest. The bodies of two pilots and one child were found in the wreckage. Their remains were unfortunately mutilated such that they could not be identified, nor could they be confirmed extraterrestrials. Scientists have said that their DNA has decayed at a significant rate, and as such it is impossible even through DNA testing to determine their species."
I breathed a sigh of relief. While it was really saddening that nobody else survived, we were able to maintain our cover for a little longer.
Then, I realised - they talked only about the pilots and ''one'' child!
Someone else survived! I could hardly restrain myself. Neither could Zrala.
"Someone survived!" I whispered.
"But who?" Zrala asked.
I wasn't sure. It was either Wrelis or Rghenot. But they didn't bring disguises! Neither of them would dare try to go to town or whatever.
At school, Darryl was extremely electrified, and even more energetic than usual. Probably because of the possible revelation of the existence of aliens.
"Oh my gosh!" he could hardly contain his excitement. "There could be aliens out there! If there are, I'll be so happy!" I was glad for him that he was happy, but I was also worried because we could be found out if they confirmed Sixam's existence. Even worse, our entire race could be endangered because of the Sims' tendency for fear of the unknown. They could have Zrala and I imprisoned in the infamous Area 51 or something terrifying like that.
Today's classes went by quite quickly, and nothing much happened, so I won't go too much into school today.
After school, Zrala, Darryl, Bella, Mortimer, Forest and I all decided to hang out together at Mortimer's place.
Goth Manor looks seriously gloomy. I reckon it could use a makeover. You know, modernise it a bit, spruce it up here and there. Surely the Goths could enjoy a more jovial look every now and then. Even if their name suggests the opposite. But who am I to say that? I have heard that the Goths founded this town after all.
Anyway, we entered the house. "I've brought some friends home, Mother!" Mortimer called as we walked through the front door.
"Welcome home, Mortimer!" a very Gothic-looking woman walked down the hallway. She hugged him. She turned to Bella and Forest. "Hello, Bella, Forest."
"Hi Mrs Goth!" they returned the greeting cheerfully. The woman turned to us.
"Some new faces, Mortimer?"
"These are Alex and Sara Clipper, and Darryl Hemingway," Mortimer introduced us to his mother. "They're new to the school."
"Well then," said Mrs Goth. "Welcome to our humble home! I'm Cornelia Goth."
"Nice to meet you, Mrs Goth," I replied, shaking her hand. Zrala and Darryl both copied me.
"Alex is a really good artist, Mother!" Mortimer said. His eyes lit up.
"Really, now?" Mrs Goth laughed. I could feel my face flush. I giggled in response.
"Yeah! We painted self-portraits in class, and hers looked ''awesome''!" Mortimer continued to praise my work. My face was getting redder and redder. Like a Otatop fruit.
Mrs Goth smiled warmly. "Well then, do come in! I'm sure you all are hungry."
We walked into the kitchen and sat down. Mrs Goth gestured to the tens of flat...things. I can't remember what they're called... They're really popular with kids here...
Oh yes, that's right! Cookies!
"Help yourselves, children!" Mrs Goth grinned. Just as Forest bit into one, his eyes almost burst out of their sockets and he got teary eyed. He swallowed and started fanning his mouth with his hand. We laughed. Mrs Goth did too. "Be careful though - they're fresh from the oven!"
After finishing with the cookies, we all removed our books from our bags and started on our homework. We were supposed to quiz each other on the early history of SimNation.
"When was the Declaration of Independence signed?" I asked Mortimer.
He ransacked his memory trying to find the answer. When his brain finished cooking and was ready to serve, he replied. "July the Fourth, 1777!"
I could just contain my laughter. "Wrong year, Mortimer! Forest?"
"1776," came the swift reply.
"Off by one year!" Mortimer wailed. We laughed.
The afternoon went swiftly with all of us quizzing each other on history, doing math homework and playing in the backyard. The backyard was of particular interest. It was almost like a graveyard! There were tombstones everywhere. Creepy stuff! But I tried to ignore it and continued my search for my hiding opponents.
Suddenly, it was time to head for home!
"See you later, Mortimer! Thanks Mrs Goth!" we all shouted as we walked out of the Goth Manor.
"Goodbye!" Mortimer and Mrs Goth cried back. They stepped inside and closed the door. The sun was beginning to set, so we started to run. Forest eventually parted with us and ran down his street.
"See you at school!" he said as he sprinted away.
When we got home, it was nightfall. We just walked through the door when we were called to dinner. It was spaghetti this time! Yum! After dinner Gerald and Elizabeth took us to see what they called a 'movie'! It was an awesome experience. I loved it, and I hope I'll be able to see more before we go home to Sixam!
I think it was a pretty average day today. Hopefully tomorrow will be more eventful!
''More to come...''
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