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Dangerous Journey: Part 3: Chevy and Sab
She began to wonder where all these motels were popping out as she and Sab were still going through Missouri. "That's probably the third motel we've seen here today." Sab muttered tiredly. Chevy nodded as she turned the wheel, pulling into the lot of one. Sab watched how graceful the leather steering wheel turned in her hands as the Chevrolet symbol slid under each turn. He then looked into the neon lights, wondering what this place will look like. He had no until Chevy had the truck in park, shut off for the night, and those two in the office, leaving with their key and then into their room. The walls were a soft Texas green as there were mahogany wood floors. The room was softly lit with an automatic lamp that turns on when someone opens the door. Chevy dropped her things by the door and walked in, Sab doing the same. They walked over to the window and stared out it, watching the night cirrus clouds go by. The moon was in an eclipse of it's own as it glowed by itself. No stars were out this time, but it's to be cloudy with rain tomorrow. Chevy sighed as Sab wrapped his arm around her, feeling tired again. They walked away from the window and looked for the bedroom, getting ready for bed. Once they were asleep, that day was no longer there. When they woke up the next morning, they changed into their next get-up and got ready to go until the Swat team showed up, threatening Chevy's Love. He felt defenseless at first, but Chevy's stubborn side got on the Swat team's nerves. Sab actually proved he was more human than zombie and the team bought it, leaving afterwards. He was shaken as Chevy kept an eye out on anybody who mistakened him. Others gasped as they went to the office. The fat concierge was listening to loud music as he as spinning in his chair, singing at the top of his lungs like a drunk. His chair spun unusually fast as he had weighed in the four hundreds range. Chevy and Sab decided to chuckle as the man wasn't paying attention. But when he realized they were standing there, he began to freak out while sitting in his chair, spinning at the same time. His screams would get close before sounding far away. The teens continued to laugh as they walked back to the truck, unlocking and getting in it. As they were strapping in, they noticed zombies coming toward the hotel. They grabbed their weapons and set them, beginning to exterminate them. The zombies dropped as their blood squirted the road and any vehicles near. Once the last one was dropped from that wave, they put their weapons on safety and began to leave, until there was one last gun shot; the bullet struck Sab dead-on in the shoulder, blood spraying the cab of the truck, himself, and Chevy. He screeched as he held the wound, inhaling deeply while suffering. Chevy got out of her seat belt and began to aid him, cleaning the wound until it was clean enough to be clogged with a lathered cotton ball to prevent any other bacteria. She threw out blood-covered materials onto the parking lot as a punishment. Sab was frightened as he stared with wide, dark eyes. His breathing was slow and calm, but it would eventually fail if he doesn't seek actual treatment. Luckily, Chevy had the bullet removed before she lathered the cotton ball. She then informed Sab that she was taking him to the Emergency Room. Sab looked at her, thinking, "You crazy?" She read his eyes and nodded, but got back in the driver's seat, strapped in, and got them out of there. It was merely eleven minutes when she got him there. The lot wasn't even close to being full, but there was still people hanging around.
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