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Brigit has heard two persistent rumors about Borya Cich. First is that he makes a tidy business out of bankrolling the crooked plans of dangerous people. The second is that if and when their plans go belly up, Cich takes their gadgets or magical mojo goodies as his repayment. Supposedly, Cich believes that the world is full of Gods, aliens and supernaturals like Brigit means the whole world is an arms race. But, what really piqued Brigit's interest is the third rumor. She's heard that Cich keeps his prized collection of ill-gotten artifacts hidden somewhere in his estate.
As she wanders around carrying a glass of bubbly, an attractive woman approaches her. "Nice specs," is her opening line. Brigit muses she hates to lose points, but they were given to her by a friend. She tells Brigit she shouldn't be so honest. Brigit can't be sure if anyone's ever told her that before. The woman tells him that a lot of women are attracted to the money that buys those kind of toys. Brigit asks if she's that kind of girl. She replies that she's not any kind of girl. Besides, she adds, since they're both being honest, she is much more attracted to power than money. Brigit says she can't begin to tell her how glad heshe is to hear that.
==Chapter 2==
Before Brigit can take the conversation to a more private setting, one of Mr. Cich's bodyguards calls her name and informing Brigit that his boss would like a word with her. Brigit approaches Mr. Cich, who is seated on the edge of a fountain. "Ms. Hemlock, how fortunate that your little orphanage could give you the night off." Brigit asks him to call her Brigit, and that she tries to keep a life separate from the home and friends that she's acquired. Not that Mr. Cich wouldn't know anything about that, would he? They shake hands and Cich informs her that its pronounced Sitch - Bao-Rya Sitch. He assures Brigit that she has quite the reputation in the circles he inhabits. Brigit apologizes, what with all the revelry and fal-do-do, but that almost sounded like "reputations" plural.
Cich tells Brigit that he's heard that her name appears in some unsavory tales that seem at odds with her more public appearances. Brigit admits that life would be easier if they could rewrite their reputations which reminds her to compliment Cich on his lovely home. Cich stands and asks her to enjoy her evening. His men will be on hand in case Brigit has any special requirements. As he walks away, his head guard, Mr. Remlik, whispers under his breath in his native language, "Filthy leech."
Brigit flirts with the waitresses and figures that all eyes are on her, lingering on a particular redhead. At least as long as she's top of their list of priorities. The reckons the funny thing about priorities is that they can change in a second. She almost forgot how much she enjoys this job. She watches as the redheaded waitress flicks a match towards a propane tank and watches it explode, following the suggestion Brigit placed in her head. Everyone's attention is diverted now, so Brigit uses the moment to dash up the stairs towards the house. She tries not to scare mortal folks too often, but she loves this kind of improvisation and the cat-and-mouse games. She grabs the hand of the woman she flirted with earlier, the young woman asks whats going on. Brigit replies that hopefully she's about to stay cool and friendly.
As they run, Mr. Remlik places his hand on Brigit's shoulder and asks where she's going. She tells him that he's getting the lady somewhere safe. Isn't that the biggest concern security should have right now? Remlik pauses a moment before pointing to his left, telling Brigit to take her and follow the others. With everyone dashing into the house, Brigit apologizes to the woman and asks if she's all right. She replies that she's fine, but she didn't know what was happening there for a minute. Did Brigit know what was going on? Brigit replies that she should go back and see if anyone else needs help. Before the woman can respond, Brigit takes off in the opposite direction.
Brigit has lost the cocktail dress and is in a more stealthy all-black outfit. She guesses her distraction will buy her fifteen minutes, so she wants to get this over in seven. If Cich's right-hand man was dead set on sending them away from this end of the house, then anything worth her time will definitely be at the other. She spots another armed guard but bides her time until he wanders away down a corridor. Using a special feature in her glasses, she brings up blueprints of the house and realizes that somehow Cich has put in an invisible extension on the place. Magic maybe. She reaches her hand out and it goes through some kind of mirage. Then again she doesn't care about how fancy the disguise is, she just wants to see what's inside.
Brigit slowly walks through the mirage and into a strange room, light but cramped with deadly robotic arms coming out from the sides. She knows she's been out of the thieving trade for a little while, but since when did locks become so complicated? A computer asks for voice-print verification. Fortunately, Brigit recorded Cich earlier saying his name and he plays this at the computer which verifies his voice. It then asks for a fingerprint scan. It seems that the gloves she wore with her dress are specially designed to hold fingerprints, which is why she shook Cich's hand, so she places her hand on the computer and it verifies them before finally asking for a password. Brigit pauses a moment before replying, "Please?"
The computer accepts the password and a door slides open. "Oh my" exclaims Brigit as she sees what is inside. Littered around the massive room are simbots, flying saucers, genie lamps and all manner of the weird and wonderful. The computer welcomes "Mr. Cich" back. Brigit reckons she should say please more often. However, she has no time to gawk so she heads inside. She probably has less than five minutes before her cover wears thin.
She leaps down into the room and soon comes across a small silver object seated on a pole. "Shiny", she remarks. She knows there's something special about it and thinks it's almost an insult leaving it just lying around. As she cuts a hole in the glass container it sits in, she reaches for the object and a spark of energy zaps between her hand and the object. A small explosion follows and the object bounces away from her. The security computer systems kick in, recognizing an unauthorized removal and it initiates measures against her. The object bounces towards a statue and Remy whispers, begging please don't as another pink spark comes from the device and explodes the statue.
As the alarm sounds Brigit manages to grab the object and secrete it into a pocket. Cich and his men wonder what's happening inside, as Brigit leaps from place to place trying to avoid the Simbot which has woken up. Soon after, the guards led by Mr. Remlik enter the hidden room and sees the robot lying on the floor, smoking and sparking away. The place is a mess. The guards want to go in, but Mr. Remlik knows that Brigit will have gone by now. He rushes around the grounds trying to locate Brigit but finds her chatting with the woman she was with earlier. Remlik approaches her and calls her a filthy leech who should have run when she had her chance. Brigit informs Remlik he must be confused. Brigit has been with this young lady for the last hour! Remlik turns to her and asks if this is true. She replies that it is, and what makes him think he can treat Ms. Hemlock like that? They came out of charity and he attacks the woman?
Mr. Cich appears and asks Remlik to calm down. He finds this scene unnecessary and apologizes to everyone in the vicinity on behalf of his security staff's overzealous reactions. They have had some unexpected troubles tonight. He tells them that he deeply regrets giving them this unsavory first impression and understands if any of them wish to end their evening early. But, he adds, he hopes this will not let it affect their support of the fine students they came to help. Brigit puts her arm around the woman and reckons they should leave while they have the chance.
Outside, the woman opens the door on her red supercar and Brigit thanks her for covering for her back there. "You cant?" she asks. "That mean you won't even try?" Brigit asks if she means tonight, but she feels that Brigit has had enough action for one night. As she climbs into her seat, Brigit muses how she doesn't even know her name. "No you dont", she replies with a smile. As she drives away, Mr. Cich watches from the window and assures Mr. Remlik that they will settle this in time.
Brigit returns home and grabs a beer. She smiles, having nearly forgot how much a little fun can be now and then. Se hasn't felt this much like herself in a long time. Still she can't go back to pulling these types of mischief all the time can she? Brigit sits down and reaches for the small object she stole. She was always told that even a good thief always ends up with something extra for their trouble. As her finger hovers over the object, the pink energy spark appears once again and she looks up to see a five pointed creature leaping towards her. It lands on her chest and quickly burrows itself underneath her skin. Brigit grits her teeth and then cries out in pain as energy pours from the hole.
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