Fanon:A Sim's Tale: Book 4: Difference between revisions

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|genre = Drama
|creator = [[User:Rizkirafu|'''Rizkirafu''']]
|numberofchapters = 3033
|originalrun = 04/15/17
|status = Ongoing
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*[[Fanon:TheKevin Pleasantview KillerMcHolmes|The PleasantviewKevin KillerMcHolmes]]
*[[Fanon:Mikhaela Rogers|Mikhaela Rogers]]
*[[Fanon:Scott Turner|Scott Turner]]
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*[[Fanon:Marlena Caliente|Marlena Caliente]]
*[[Fanon:Malika Williams|Malika Williams]]
*[[Fanon:Kevin McHolmes|Kevin McHolmes]]
*[[Fanon:Cindy Watson|Cindy Watson]]
*[[Fanon:Joyce Schmidt|Joyce Schmidt]] ('''''photograph''''')
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“What is Bryan doing here? And w-who is that girl?” Mikhaela thought.
==CapterChapter 17: Jealously==
Two days later, the day of Redfield family feast party was here. At Lily’s house, Tamera was seen helping Lily cooked some meals. Charlie was also here, staying since his arrival in the town. He felt that Lily needed someone who could kept an eye on her since she was living alone.
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After weeks waiting for chance, both Jean and Felicia eventually started their plan. They sneaked into the lab and safely removed #008/Bryan from his tube—since #008 was Felicia’s son, he was the first one who freed. Unfortunately, #008/Bryan’s loud cry alerted the security guards. “Oh my God, what will we going to do!?” Felicia said in panic. “We don’t have any choice, we have to run!” Jean exclaimed. “B-but, the other two babies!?” Felicia said. “We will call the authority to save them later!” Jean said.
With baby Bryan in their possession, Jean and Felicia quickly left the laboratory. They ran in to the corridor, only to getting caught by McMangold and his security guards. “What on earth are you doing!?” McMangold asked in anger, “I trusted both of you, but now you betrayed me!?”.
“We don’t want you to ruin this child!” Felicia yelled. “That child was manufactured, a living weapon, he has no right!” McMangold said. “You are monster!” Jean exclaimed. “Enough of this, guards, stop them!” McMangold ordered. The two guards shot their tasers, Jean pushed Felicia to the ground. The tasers hit her, made her immobile. “R-run!” Jean said haltingly due to the tasers effect. Felicia looked in horror, she looked at a window. She hold the baby tightly before she jumped out of the window. At the same time, Jean was collapsed.
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“Hi Bryan” someone called him, it was Christine. However, Bryan didn’t notice her, he was too sad. Christine could see it. “Uh, Bryan?” Christine called him again. “Christine, just leave him alone for now” Jean said. “Aunt Jean? What happened” Christine asked again, but Jean didn’t answer.
==Chapter 31: Hospital Attack==
12.30 AM, the hospital.
Leona decided to stay at the hospital to accompanied Joanna. It was a rain outside. Leona awoke from her sleep, she felt thirsty. She open the fridge located at the corner to get some drinks, but it was empty. "Oh, I think I should go to the Sim-Mart to buy some new drinks" she thought.
"M-mom?" Joanna said, awakened from her sleep "Where will you go? Please don't leave me here". Leona looked at her daughter before approaching her. "Don't worry baby, I will be back" she said "I just want to get us some drinks" she said. "O-okay" Joanna said, her voice was still weak. Leona smiled, "Good girl, now return to sleep" she said before leaving the room.
Joanna closed her eyes and felt asleep. 30 minutes passed and Leona had not returned yet. Suddenly, the door was opened. A figure was stood in front of Joanna's bed. Joanna awakened, "m-mom?" she said while opening her eyes. Joanna thought it was Leona who stood in front of her. But it wasn't her mother. A tall muscular man, wearing black wardrobe with his face hidden beneath his helmet stood before her. The Pleasantview killer, he was here.
Joanna attempted to scream, but the killer smothered her. Joanna tried to resist, but she was too weak. "Joanna, I.... OH MY GOD!" Leona entered the room only to found her daughter was attacked by the killer. The killer surprised, he hit Leona with his fist, causing her fell to the ground. "MOM!" Joanna screamed. The killer then grabbed Leona and chocked her. However, Leona grabbed a fork and stabbed the killer's hand. The killer screamed in pain and released his hands.
The killer then ran away. At the same time, Jean and two nurses rushed into the room and saw the killer. "Oh my God, IT'S HIM!" Jean exclaimed, "WHERE IS THE SECURITY!?".
Two hours later, the police officers were already in hospital. Enrico tried to console both her wife and daughter. Bryan and Christine also came once they heard about what happened. The police found that the security guard who supposed to be watch the surveillance cam was murdered, explaining how the killer could enter the hospital undetected.
"My gosh, I never expected the killer would follow Joanna her, but why?" Christine said. Bryan didn't say anything, he was thinking. "Hey Bryan, what do you think?" Christine asked. "I am not sure" Bryan said, "The killer is very intelligent, he even murdered the security first so he could freely enter this hospital".
"Yeah, you are right" Christine said. Suddenly, Joanna's boyfriend, Kevin appeared. He looked worried. "I-I just heard what happened, is Joanna okay!?" he said. "Oh, She is still in shock" Christine answered. "My God, can I see her!?" Kevin asked again. "Sure, go ahead" Christine said again.
As Kevin entered Joanna's room, Christine noticed that Bryan was staring at Kevin. "What's wrong Bryan?" Christine asked. "I don't know Christine" Bryan said, "But that Kevin guy, I can feel that he is hiding something".
==Chapter 32: Kevin==
Three days later.
Christine Redfield was accompanying Joanna who sat on a wheelchair travelling through the hospital area. Joanna was already recovered a little. Since the attack, her room now guarded for every 24 hours by the police officers tasked by her father, Enrico.
“Want some water?” Christine offered Joanna a drink. “Thanks” Joanna said accepting it. “So, how’s Kevin?” Christine asked. “Well, he’s a good man” Joanna said, “He’s very nice and loves to help everyone, that’s why I really like him”. “I see...” Christine said, “Well, he’s a paramedic after all”. Joanna only nodded.
“Girls?” someone calling, it was none other than Kevin himself. “Oh, speak of the devil” Christine said. “I am here to give Joanna her medicine” Kevin said. “Oh okay” Christine said. She then looked at her watches. “Oh crap, I need to go to grandma’s house now” Christine said. “Oh, okay, just go then” Joanna said “Grandma needs you more”. “Are you sure you will be okay?” Christine asked. “Don’t worry” Joanna said again, “Beside, I have Kevin here”. Kevin only smiled.
“Well, okay then, see you later cousin” Christine said. “Say hello to grandma from me” Joanna exclaimed.
Meanwhile in Bryan’s apartment.
“Thank you for your help Daniel” Bryan said, “Thanks to your hacking skill, I can get this information about Kevin McHolmes”. “Not a problem” Daniel said. “Uh, Bryan, can I ask you something?” Nathaniel said in sudden. “Sure, what is it?” Bryan asked him back while reading the file.
“When you said that Kevin is hiding something from us, what do you actually mean?” Nathaniel asked “do you really suspecting him that much? I mean, he looks nice to our family”. “I don’t know, it is just my instinct” Bryan simply claimed. “What?” Nathaniel became confused “Man, you are really an odd fellow”.
“So, according to this file, Kevin McHolmes was born in Veronaville, December 25th 2032. He was graduated from Sim State University and already worked in three different hospitals in Veronaville, Ubrzville and Miniopolis” Bryan read the file.
“Hey, take a look” Daniel said “He only worked for six months in each hospital”. “Yeah, you are right” Bryan said, “Don’t you think it’s strange?”. “Y-yeah, if you mention it” Nathaniel submitted.
“And now his parents are... Wait a minute, only his mother’s name listed in here” Bryan said. “Yeah, you are right” Daniel said. “Laura McHolmes...” Bryan read the name”.
Back to the hospital
“So, you are finally getting along with your mom?” Kevin asked. Joanna then sighed, “Well, I don’t hate my mom, I just, don’t like her old-fashioned attitude” she claimed. “I see...” Kevin said, “Your mom looked so nice though, I wonder what kind of person she was when she young”.
“Well, my grandma always said that I’m actually a spitting image of my mom. I don’t really know how she was when she young, but everyone said that she was a tomboy who obsessed with sports like basketball and even soccer” Joanna said, “She was never dating anyone until she met my dad during her sophomore years”.
“Mom and dad actually met when they were children in Twinbrook, and reunited when my dad moved here” Joanna continued her story, “Just like I said, I don’t really know how they were back then”. “Oh, I see...” Kevin said.
“And how about your family Kevin? you never talk about them” Joanna said, “Are you still in contact with your family?”. “I... I only lived with my mom, and it’s been a while since the last time I visited her” Kevin said. “I see... do you miss her?” Joanna said. “Yeah...” Kevin nodded.
==Chapter 33: The Pleasantview Killer==
12.00 A.M, the hospital.
It was raining outside. Joanna was sitting alone inside her room, she couldn’t sleep at all. Outside, Bryan and Christine was talking with Enrico. “YOU TWO DID WHAT!?” Enrico exclaimed. “Y-yeah, we are sorry Mr. Delgado, but we only want to help you guys to capture the Pleasantview Killer” Bryan claimed.
“Y-yeah, especially since that killer has attacked Joanna twice, he already made it personal!” Christine exclaimed, “I can not let him to hurt Joanna anymore!”. Enrico then sighed, “Okay then, show me what you guys have found” he said. Bryan and Christine smiled, they then revealed their findings, including the killer’s possible identity as Tom Virgil.
“Well, you guys actually did great job but, we know that Tom Virgil was already death years ago” Enrico said, “Hanging himself inside his cell”. “Are you sure?” Christine asked. “Pretty sure” Enrico said again. “Damn it!” Christine felt upset, “Bryan, what should we do now?”.
Bryan paused for a moment, “Mr. Delgado, do you have any data about Tom Virgil?” he suddenly said. “Well, from what I know, Tom was once lived with a family of his own. For some reason, they moved from one town to another” Enrico saild, “One day, shorlty before he arrived at Belladona Cove, Virgil murdered his wife in front of his child”.
“My God...” Christine said. “He burried his wife in his backyard and, to make sure his child didn’t say anything about the murder, he would mercilessly beating his child up” Enrico continued his story. Bryan and Christine couldn’t say anything.
“And finally, the Belladona Cove murder happened in which he killed several young women in there” Enrico said, “the police managed to capture him, and his child was sent to an orphanage”.
“And you guys know? When the police interogated him, he simply said that murdering women was his hobby or something like that” Enrico finished his story. “He was really a psycopath” Christine said. “Yeah, I can not he was even a human” Bryan submitted.
“By the way, about his wife, do you know who her name was?” Bryan asked again. “Well, if I remember correctly, her name was....” Enrico said.
Bryan paused for a moment, he then gasped after Enrico said the wife’s name. “Oh my God...” he said in sudden. “What’s wrong Bryan?” Christine asked. “That’s it! It’s all make sense now!” Bryan exclaimed. “What? What is it?” Enrico asked in confusion.
Before Bryan could answer, a scream was heard from Joanna’s room. Bryan, Christine and Enrico quickly rushed into Joanna’s room. The guards outside the room were knocked unconscious. The three entered the room and, much to their horror, the killer was standing there, holding Joanna as hostage while Leona was begging him to release her daughter.
“Please, don’t hurt my daughter please!” Leona said. Next to Leona, Nathaniel was fell unconscious. “You monster let my daughter go!” Enrico said aiming his gun at the killer. “M-mom, dad, help...” Joanna said in tears, she looked terrified. However, the killer jumped out of the window with Joanna still with him. The two fell into a dumpster located right under the window.
“NOOOOOO!” Leona screamed. Bryan and Enrico saw the killer put Joanna inside a car. “Kevin!” Bryan yelled, surprising everyone. “What?” Christine said in confusion. The killer looked at Bryan and then removed his helmet. Everyone, including Joanna shocked by this revelation. The Pleasantview Killer was none other than Kevin McHolmes, Joanna’s own boyfriend.
“K-Kevin... Why?” Joanna said before passing out due to the shock. Jean then arrived at the time to saw Kevin’s true color. “I-impossible” she said, “how could he...?”. “There is no doubt, it was him all along” Bryan said. Kevin started his car and left. “Darn it!” Enrico said, he then ran into his cruiser and calling for reinforcement.
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