The Sims Pet Stories

Stanton family
These roommates love to party. Brutus often feels neglected because of the active social lives of his masters.
Name Stanton family
Members Bernard Stanton, Venu Stanton, Brutus Stanton
Lot 61 Pine Street
Funds §89,041
Other information
Game The Sims Pet Stories
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Arbor Falls

The Stanton family is a pre-made family from Arbor Falls, one of the neighborhoods shipped with The Sims Pet Stories. The family consists of roommates Bernard and Venu Stanton, and their dog Brutus. Bernard and Venu love to party. Bernard came from a rich family, but finds his life with the laid-back Venu much more rewarding. Bernard almost always ends up hosting the parties that Venu throws. Although known as an outgoing party guy, Venu is actually very quiet and laid-back. His roommate Bernard helps him maintain his reputation. Brutus often feels neglected because of the active social lives of his masters and he would like to lead a quieter life with a quieter person.

The Stanton family lives in 61 Pine Street with §89,041 in funds.



  • While Bernard and Venu have the same last name, they are not related in their family trees. They also share the exact same facial structure (based on CAS Face Template #2) and so look closely related, but refer to each other as "roommates" in their bios, making the exact intended state of their relationship unclear.

pt-br:Família Serafim ru:Коммуна Стэнтон