The Sims 2

Stratford Strip
Lot type Community
Value §168,544
Lot size 30x50
Number of floors 1
Neighborhood Veronaville
Game The Sims 2

Since both food and fun may be found at the Strip,
It's the perfect place for a family shopping trip!

Stratford Strip is a medium-large community lot in the south of Veronaville, from The Sims 2.

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  • The title of Stratford Strip could be a reference to Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare, the playwright who was the inspiration for much of Veronaville.
  • Stratford Strip is exactly the clone of 290 Main Street in Pleasantview, with the only differences being the patio, roof type, outer paint, and the parking lot on the side of the shop. The inside of the shop is the same as 290 Main Street.