Talk:List of Moodlets (The Sims 3): Difference between revisions

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|[[File:Pleasantly Warm smiley.png|30px|center]]
|Pleasantly Warm
| +10
|Until Sim's temperature changes
|Playing in the snow can be awesome, but it's hard to beat that cozy feeling you get when your body feels just a little warm inside and out.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Getting Warm smiley.png|30px|center]]
|Getting Warm
| No Mood Effect
|Until Sim's temperature changes
|High Internal Temperature
|A little heat never hurts! (Sim Name) is starting to feel warm all over.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Sweating smiley.png|32px|center]]
|Starting to Sweat
| -5
|Very High Internal Temperature
|It's very important that (Sim Name) not start to think about how insanely bizarre and gross the process of sweating is. Just let the body do its thing to cool down.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Sweating Profusely smiley.png|32px|center]]
|Sweating Profusely
| -10
|Critically High Internal Temperature
|Whoof! It is a sauna right now! (Sim Name) is sweating like a snake at a bake sale, or like one of those snappy colloquialisms. Head inside if you don't want to get burnt even worse.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Pleasantly Chilly smiley.png|30px|center]]
|Pleasantly Chilly
| +10
|Until Sim's temperature changes
|Fun in the sun is great and all, but there's a certain satisfaction that comes when everything feels nice and cool – when the air is just a little crisp and you can't quite see your breath.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Getting Chilly smiley.png|30px|center]]
|Getting Chilly
| No Mood Effect
|Until Sim's temperature changes
|Low Internal Temperature
|The air has a bit of a bite to it! (Sim Name) is starting to feel the first tickles of chill across his/her skin.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Shivering smiley.png|32px|center]]
|Starting to Shiver
| -5
|Very Low Internal Temperature
|At a certain point, "cool" becomes "cold" and the body begins to react. Right now (Sim Name) is beginning to shiver. What's next? Chattering teeth?!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame teeth chattering.png|32px|center]]
|Teeth Chattering
| -10
|Critically Low Internal Temperature
|Well, (Sim Name) can't claim he/she didn't see this coming. He/she is so cold he/she literally cannot stop his/her teeth from chattering. (Sim Name) had better put on some warm clothes and head inside.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Frostbitten smiley.png|30px|center]]
| -10
|3 Hours
|Brrrr!! It is now officially too cold. If (Sim Name) doesn't warm up soon, he/she'll be positively FROZEN!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Frosty Face smiley.png|30px|center]]
|Frosty Face
| -5
|1 Hour
|Making Snow Angel
|As a reward for his/her unconventional approach to snow angels, (Sim Name) has earned a faceful of numb.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Nice Tan smiley.png|30px|center]]
| +10
|23 Hours 20 Minutes
|Spray Tan
|There's a delicate balance, but when (Sim Name) gets a spray tan or stays in the sun just long enough (but not too long), he/she is rewarded with the skin of a bronzed god/goddess.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Went Too Far smiley.png|30px|center]]
|Over Saturated
| -5
|6 Hours
|Spray Tan
|There's "golden tan" and there's "turkey that was left in the oven for four days." (Sim Name) is the latter.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Discolored Tan smiley.png|30px|center]]
|Discolored Tan
| -5
|6 Hours
|Spray Tan
|(Sim Name) thought he/she might look good with a little color, just not one of the colors of the rainbow! Who maintains these machines anyway?!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Uneven Tan smiley.png|30px|center]]
|Uneven Tan
| -5
|6 Hours
|Spray Tan
|Hmm... maybe no one will notice. Maybe (Sim Name) can convince everyone that this is the real way to tan and that everybody else looks stupid! Maybe not...
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Sunburnt smiley.png|30px|center]]
| -10
|11 Hours 40 Minutes
|Getting a sunburn isn't so bad, aside from the pain and the incredible itching that you can't scratch because of the pain. Also the flaking. Having a sunburn sucks.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame polar bear club.png|30px|center]]
|Polar Bear Club
| +15
|5 Hours
|Swimming in icy waters has earned (Sim Name) an honorary membership to the Polar Bear Club! Members have shown a strong immunity to the cold.
|Appears when Sims swim in the ocean in [[Winter]]
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame abducted.png|30px|center]]
| -10
|10 Hours
|Alien Abduction
|(Sim Name) can't help but feel a little... probed. What happened up there??
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame bio boosted.png|30px|center]]
|Being Boosted
| No Mood Effect
|1 Hour
|(Sim Name) isn't exactly sure why, but it just feels like something's giving him/her a little extra boost right now!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame bio drained.png|30px|center]]
|Being Drained
| No Mood Effect
|1 Hour
|(Sim Name) doesn't know what it is, but something is just dragging him/her down right now. Everything just feels a little bit harder than it should be.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame bio boosted.png|30px|center]]
|Boosting Another
| No Mood Effect
|1 Hour
|(Sim Name) is bio-boosting a Sim. How long will he/she be able to keep it up?
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame bio drained.png|30px|center]]
|Draining Another
| No Mood Effect
|1 Hour
|(Sim Name) is bio-draining some much needed energy from another Sim. He/She is one sneaky alien!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame need restoration.png|30px|center]]
|Need Restoration
| No Mood Effect
|(Sim Name) is feeling a little low on the ol' brain juice. An alien can't keep this kind of thing up all day, you know!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|30px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame restoration required.png|30px|center]]
|Restoration Required
| -40
|It's getting hard to concentrate... (Sim Name) definitely needs to take a break and restore his/her brain energy!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|30px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame mentally ravenous.png|30px|center]]
|Mentally Ravenous
| -50
|Brain... burning! Must... meditate! Regain precious, precious... brainergy!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame mind static.png|30px|center]]
|Mind Static
| No Mood Effect
|Weird. All of a sudden (Sim Name)'s brain just started buzzing. It's really distracting! Whatever's causing this, he/she really wants to get away from it.
|[[Mummy|Mummies]] and [[SimBot]]s cannot be drained by [[alien]]s.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame brain fried.png|30px|center]]
|Brain Fried
| -50
|1 Hour
|Hard to... concentrate. Brain... so fuzzy. (Sim Name)'s thinker got zapped pretty good by aliens. The effects should wear off after a little while.
|[[Mummy|Mummies]] and [[SimBot]]s cannot be drained by [[alien]]s.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame servitude.png|30px|center]]
|Mental Servitude
| -5
|6 Hours
|Must... serve... the alien...
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame had a space adventure.png|30px|center]]
|Had a Space Adventure!
| +10
|5 Hours
|VrrrRRRRmmm! Pew Pew Pew! Shields up!! Is there anything more exciting than zipping through space in a real UFO?
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame invader.png|30px|center]]
| +10
|5 Hours
|Mwah-ha-haaa!! Did you see those humans scatter when they saw a UFO? What a blast. (Sim Name) felt just like some kind of invader... from space!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame male pregnancy.png|30px|center]]
|Unexpected Weight Gain
| -5
|2 Days
|Alien Pregnancy
|Whoa. Were (Sim Name)'s clothes always this tight? Is it time to hit the gym? Man, those extra few pounds really sneak up on you.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Allergy Haze smiley.png|30px|center]]
|Allergy Haze
| -10
|2 Days
|Oof. What's the pollen count today? (Sim Name) is really feeling those allergies.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Germy smiley.png|30px|center]]
| -10
|2 Days
|(Sim Name) is feeling a bit more contagious than usual. It might be a good time to stay indoors and keep warm. Other Sims don't want those germs!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Small Talked smiley.png|30px|center]]
| +10
|3 Hours
|Yes, there is weather. And how about those current events? Those are going on. You follow the sports teams? Small talk might not be great fuel for the mind, but it does help break the ice!
|From talking about weather
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame attractive company.png|30px|center]]
|Attractive Company
| +10
|Until Sim gets away from someone attractive
|Being Near Attractive Sims
|Ooh la la! (Sim Name) has found a hot Sim he/she'll like to get to know better!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame burning loins.png|30px|center]]
|Burning Loins
| +5
|3 Hours
|You can't argue with Love Inspector – especially when it confirms everything you already knew about yourself. Now for (Sim Name) to share this newfound confidence with someone special!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame frozen loins.png|30px|center]]
|Frozen Loins
| -5
|3 Hours
|Wow, that machine did not give (Sim Name) the confidence boost he/she was looking for. That's okay. Eating an entire sheet cake alone in your bedroom is just as good as romance, right?
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Got Kissed smiley.png|30px|center]]
|Got Kissed at a Kissing Booth
| +30
|8 Hours
|(Sim Name) feels pretty good because that money went to a good cause. Namely, getting him/her a big, fat smooch!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame kissed under the mistletoe.png|30px|center]]
|Kissed Under the Mistletoe
| +20
|4 Hours
|Let's be honest. Whoever came up with the "this plant means you kiss me" tradition was a genius. (Sim Name) just enjoyed the benefits of this remarkable shrub.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame anniversary time.png|30px|center]]
|Anniversary Time!
| +10
|20 Hours
|Wow. Hard to believe another year has come and gone. Where does the time go?
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame egg-celent find.png|30px|center]]
Line 1,201 ⟶ 850:
|(Sim Name) would have settled for one of those little chocolate eggs with the crispies in it, but this decorative egg is way better!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Spring Fling smiley.png|30px|center]]
|Spring Fling
| +10
|Love Day
|Spring is the season of renewal, and it's only natural for a Sim's attentions to turn to romance. It's in the air. Don't try to fight it!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame summer fun.png|30px|center]]
|Summer Fun
| +10
|Leisure Day
|Summer is only a precious few months out of the year. (Sim Name) wants to get outside and make the most of it!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame spooky time.png|30px|center]]
|Spooky Time
| +10
|Spooky Day
|Spooky Day is a time for both tricks and treats... but right now (Sim Name) is mostly thinking about the tricks!
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
|[[File:Moodlet no frame holiday cheer.png|30px|center]]
|Holiday Cheer
| +10
|Snowflake Day
|(Sim Name) is feeling the spirit of the season! he/she's ready for a little peace on earth and goodwill toward Sims.
|[[File:TS3S Icon.png|32px|center]]
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