The Sims 2 (console): Difference between revisions

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* There is also another known glitch where a Sim can have the phone stuck in their hands. To do this, cancel the action "Call..." while the Sim is picking up the phone. This may sound fun at first, but then the telephone will be stuck forever in their hands and there is no way you can make your Sim's hands normal again.
* There is a rare glitch where the surfing board gets stuck in the Sim's legs.
* When a Sim goes to work when in their work clothes and you switch to the Sim that is going to work, the action "Go to work" is cancelled and the Sim changes back to his/her clothes. This occurs if you are using Direct Control. This glitch is also present in ''[[The Sims 2: Pets (console)|The Sims 2: Pets]]''.
* Sims will sometimes block the door when they dance using a DJ Stand. This can prevent Sims from coming in or out of a room. This is also present in ''[[The Urbz: Sims in the City]]'', ''[[The Sims 2: Pets]]'', and ''[[The Sims 2 Castaway]]''.
* Yet another glitch is if you enter the carpool for work instantly after it arrives, it will come back after it drives off and will stay there for the remainder of the hour.
==External links==
* {{Wayback|url=|title=Official site directory|date=20120314144511}}
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