The Sims Wiki:User Created Contest/Big Sim Brother

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by imported>RoseGui at 11:10, 30 July 2013 (To be continued). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Hello, Welcome to Big Sim Brother (Created By RoseGui and Jones143) A Game where 14 housemates try to win a half Million cash prize by avoiding periodic evictions..

HoH: The Head of Household (abbreviated HoH) is the position of supreme power and control in the Big Sim Brother house. The Head of Household is selected each week, the winner of Head of Household is free from the threat of eviction. But are also faced with the decision of nominating two houseguests for eviction.

Veto:The Power of Veto is a power in Big Sim Brother. The Power of Veto allows the owner to veto one of the Nominations off the Block. The Head of Household chooses a new nomination.

Twist: A twist may change all the gameplay in the house. The twist has not yet been revealed.

Welcome to Big Sim Brother...


  • Red- Contestant is Evicted from the house.
  • Blue - Head of Household
  • Yellow - Contestant has the Power of Veto


Wikia's Vote


Who do you want to see coming to the Big Brother House: the powerful and strong vampire, Elvira Slayer or, the elegant and friendly maid, Kaylynn Langerak.

Houseguest playing has been chosen


Who do you want to be the Host of Big Sim Brother? Choose either between Diva, Mr. Big or Mrs. Crumplebottom.

Host has been chosen



Voters chose, as houseguest, Elvira Slayer over Kaylynn Langerak.


Voters chose, as the host of Big Sim Brother, Mrs. Crumplebottom, over Diva or Mr. Big.

Week 1

Day 1

Host: Hello, and welcome to the Big Sim Brother! In this show, fourteen houseguests will meet and complete in many challenges to win the Half Million dollar cash prize. Every single move they make will be captured by the cameras. There will be fights, there will be tears, and there will be broken hearts in it! And a twist may change the house's every single dynamic. This is The Big Sim Brother!


The Contestants are now awaiting to join in the SimNation's most watched house, let's let them in.

"Hi!! Oh my God," Florita shouted walking clumsily on her giant high-heels.
"Wow, this is place is bigger than my entire house" said the mumbling Liam.