The Unlikely Twosome household

The Sims 3 Store

The Unlikely Twosome household
Ezekiel inherited his father's home back when there was still a lake. Unfortunately for him, when the water vanished the real estate's value did too. Unable to sell and too poor to leave he found a paying roommate in military cadet Northrop. Can this unlikely twosome cohabitate in peace, or will their differing personalities lead to conflict?
Name The Unlikely Twosome household
Members Ezekiel Reid, Pansy Northrop
Lot 118 Lakeside Drive
Funds §4,000
Difficulty level 2 of 6
Other information
Game The Sims 3 Store
Playability Playable
World Lucky Palms

The Unlikely Twosome household can be found in the downloadable neighborhood of Lucky Palms. It consists Ezekiel Reid and his newly acquired roommate Pansy Northrop.

The family bio states that Ezekiel couldn't afford the rent, so he had to take in a roommate.


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