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Kallisto discovers Dictator

Kallisto was conducting business as normal, until Kallisto felt like taking a break. Kallisto decided to laugh at dictators like Ceausescu and attempted to look up dictators on youtube. Needless to say, Kallisto landed on The Dictator movie, and finding that interesting, Kallisto looked up at some OSTs, like Aladeenies. Kallisto then fumed once Kallisto heard the song.

"Admiral General Aladeen, he came down from heaven... I can't wait to have WooHoo with him..."

Kallisto: "By Megas Alexandros, this be utmost heresy! Well, it is also surprisingly funny. Hahahahahaha! This heresy associated with dictatorships! Woo, boy am I glad that I'm not one!

Hypatia: Are you sure, Kallisto?

Kallisto: Yes. Otherwise, I may order personal guards to have your head.

Hypatia: Yeah... Right. Now, not everyone buys your "I am not dictator" tag.

Kallisto: What? Who dares question my constitutional position?

Hypatia: How about... a friend of our creator?

Kallisto: Indeed? "Visits userpage" OMGWTFBBQ Heresy! "BLAM"

Hypatia: "snickering" so, Kallisto, what's the plan?

Kallisto: Hmm... I may need to break the 4th wall.

Hypatia: How?

Kallisto: Ah, is our author susceptible to our psyker abilities?

Hypatia: Not likely, given that he is the one that gave you them abilities.

Kallisto: Rats. Now to be sullen and angry like that King Ahab. Well, I don't have that Jezebel to make things worse...

Hypatia: That makes little sense.

Kallisto: Do you expect common sense from a Nephelokokkygaia, Hypatia?

Hypatia: I suppose not. But then Ahab was a sybarite.

Kallisto: Damn it, Hypatia, you're putting mental salt on my mental wound!

Hypatia: Hmm... I suppose we can request data from our author for entertainment.

Kallisto: Good idea! Let's get linked!

-After linking with Author's mind-

Kallisto: Ah, we should look at his most glorious song!

Hypatia: Which one? His favorites are legion.

Kallisto: This.

Hypatia: Yes... YEESSSSS! Rejoice in the coming of equality!

Eurydike: What's up with all that ruckus, Hypatia? What the heck is this?

Hypatia: This, Eurydike, is our author's favorite song. Revel in its pristine glory! Ah hahahahahaha! "quickly shakes head" Oh, please excuse my "evil" crackle, Eurydike. I presume I have caught Nephelokokkygitis from Kallisto.

Kallisto: That is not a bad thing, Hypatia. Keep in mind, Eurydike is also one herself. Hurray for the kind of man that you will find in the gay way...